Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Do Over

Last night we got a “do over” from 2AM to was a sleepy do over. Oh how I hate the end of Day Light Saving Time.  My biological clock gets all messed up and I get cranky crankier.

My sleep pattern not that I have much of one will be off kilter.  Chance’s tummy will be hungry at 5 PM instead of 6PM..what does a dog know of daylight saving time anyway?  At 5PM he starts looking around to see who is cooking.  He must think he will starve to death if supper is later…now that will change to 4PM… soon it will be dark at 4PM anyway and you may as well be cooking.

I made two kettles of soup.  I thought we were getting deer hunting company ( Andy, Jen and the boys) I made soup.. her favorite food.  Instead I had my other baby brother,  his wife, my parents and Aunt Anna over for lunch.  We had a wonderful lunch..and there is still soup left over to freeze for when I want some comfort food this Fall..rutabaga, carrots, cabbage, tomato, potato and beef comfort food.  I made bread too..I get a gold star for cooking!  Far Guy doesn’t even like soup..but he ate some anyway.

Fall is fading fast..we are all shades of brown and grey and the sun hardly ever shines.

I do not want to “do over” the entire summer..just the flower picture taking and a little sunshine:)


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  1. I do appreciate the photos of the cheerful flowers. It almost makes me forget that winter is drawing close. You mentioning the soup makes me hungry for some. I would like one with meatballs and noodles, home made!

  2. I am awake early this morning, too. I even stayed up an hour later than usual, but it didn't work. My biological clock says it's time to get up! :-)

  3. I'm with Chance, my feeding times are off two. Takes me about 2 weeks to adjust.

  4. Changed my clocks before going to be and we went to be by midnight the moved back time. We still got up a little early but 6;30 time to get up for school. Soup to the rescue in the freezer is a good thing.

  5. Morning.......also don't like this time change thing......up at 5:00 and it' s Sunday.......I have a nice big soup bowl, tee hee, comfort food for sure.......Enjoy the day, Blessings Francine.

  6. I don't like the time changeover either. I need some comfort food today too. I am shooting for mac and cheese.

  7. I can remember how my grandparents struggled with time changes and I am the same way now! Your soup sounds mighty tasty! My pets are all messed up on their feeding times, too!

  8. We hate the time change too, why they can't just leave it alone is beyond me. I was up at 4:30 this morning forgetting that I was supposed to change the clocks. I stayed up anyway. The hubby came down and asked why I was up so early, duhhh.

  9. Nothing hits the spot like some good soup. Yes the days are shortening up in a hurry. It this snow doesn't go we will have a very long winter. We've had snow and below zero(32 F) for two solid weeks. Today will e the first day above zero.

  10. It usually takes my body two weeks to adjust to the "new" time. Arizona doesn't buy into this crazy Daylight Saving Time scheme: I wish the rest of the country would follow suit.

  11. For the most part, we can live by the sunlight (or lack, thereof) - so although the change does affect my mood and I get out of sync with things that happen by the clock, the rest of our life is OK.
    Mr. Dreamy doesn't care for soup either - it's that meat and potatoes thing they were brainwashed with, I think.
    I agree with your do over - I'll take the long days and prettiness of summer, but I don't want the heat again - not for a while.

  12. See, the trick with the time is that you get to AZ by Nov. 1 and then leave AZ by April 1, thereby avoiding all the clock changes. There is the hour change to mountain time at the NM/TX border, but that's a ZONE change, not somebody's bad idea. Sunny and 89 today. Wish we could share!

  13. Sunshine would make everything better for me at this time of year. I hope you'll find some great winter things to photograph!

  14. Some times the time change affects me and some times it doesn't . My sleeping patterns have always been screwed up lol ! I am looking forward to winter only for a different canvas for photos . We finally have sunshine after a week of gloom ! Hope you have a good day !

  15. This is not my favorite season, but I do get inspired to make enough soup for a soup kitchen. That is my way of staying away the darkness.

  16. Love the daisy photo ... my absolute favorite flower. Time change: aside from my own adjustment, the major ordeal here is to convince our horse of the time change.

  17. I keep asking, if everyone hates The change why do we do it?

    I'm with you, it makes me feel all off kilter, and Boo thinks that feeding time is about 3 hours earlier, I have no idea why.


  18. My grandfather was a dairy farmer and appreciated daylight savings time in the summer when working the fields but disliked it for milking the cows. They did not understand time change either.
    As my husband said last night, "Our four favorite words of the year: Turn the clocks back." We love the extra hour of sleep! And I like it to be daylight when I wake up. I can cope with the dark at night but not in the morning.

  19. Soup is on the menu around here too. Except for yesterday we are just rainy and drizzly. Soup Days for sure! Over ripe cauliflower is the main stage today, the other ingredients will play supporting rolls, we will make too much and freeze the rest just like you did. How does someone not like soup? I'm not sure how anyone doesn't love soup let alone not like it!

    Who ever came up with Standard time to begin with? I mean, I get that Standard puts noon actually in the middle of the day but I'm far more okay with doing my morning chores in the dark (my eyes are pre-adjusted), than it getting dark on me as I'm working. I know, it's all about me and what I'm doing! Just sayin'.


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