Saturday, November 3, 2012

Shooting Deer

There is no such thing as camera season..I can shoot deer any time of the or night.


These two were right next to the highway grazing..and annoying three dogs that were in a fence nearby.  They were barking their heads off.  Chance was entertained!


Deer Hunting Season opens in our area today.  There are way too many does and fawns in our area yet you had to put in early for a Antlerless permit.  I don’t know who does the counts.. and what idiot decides these things..we have a herd of about thirty deer in our immediate area.  If we get snow..the wolves will get the young ones..if not a number will be taken out by vehicles and drag themselves off into the ditch or a field where they will become eagle food.

I would just as soon see the herd numbers controlled by hunters.  It is important to me that these tick factories/deer are kept in check:)


  1. I've only seen one deer tick in my life so obviously there not a big problem around here for that reason. Baron like to bark at them around the bird feeders at 1 a.m. in the morning. That is a problem. And thanks for the heads up on the showy lady slippers. I miss mine dearly....

  2. Minnesota's DNR must be related to Wisconsin's DNR.... ;/

  3. I feel conflicted about deer hunting. We have had a couple of hikers killed because they were mistaken for deer or bear, even while they were on the trail! So it makes me very nervous when hunting season opens. Your kind of shooting is just fine, though. :-)

  4. Morning......Deer are so beautiful to me.......not big on hunting either but there are many around our parts, buildings going up in there neck of the woods, where are they to go?????? wolfes have to eat to......Blessings Francine.

  5. I love watching deer as they are beautiful creatures. I hate the thought of deer hunting but I do know that it is necessary to control the population.

  6. My hubby and I were just at Mammoth Cave in KY and on the drive into the park we saw a total of 12 deer. They just stand out by the road and watch you pass - not even afraid. And all 12 were does. I agree that hunters should control the herd numbers. The DNR doesn't do a good job around here either.

  7. I share your sentiments. I love to look at the deer, but only when they are healthy - and preferably when they are not in my garden! We have noticed a number of scrawny does. It does not bode well for them with winter coming. I would much rather see a well-managed hunting program in place than see deer suffering from starvation, malnutrition, injuries and mutilating death by wild animals or vehicles.

  8. There are deer at the farm, we had the night cam up, and fed them all of the pumpkins last year...they don't do much damage around here. Apparently we had a bear cub in the back yard a few years before we moved in...all the excitement that's fit to print around here.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  9. I think that does should be open and the bucks on antler permits. I agree, way too many does and not enough bucks. Bow opened here, we actually saw one today on someone truck.

  10. You are correct that it is more humane to have hunters rather than motorists or wolves get them. Plus they will make good meals for families who get one.

  11. Glad there are no limits on your camera season :)

  12. I'd say you really don't like deer! They can be a nuisance, but we have moved into their territory so have to have some consideration for the situation. Yes, if we weren't here they would be food for lots of other critters and that's not bad. It all balances out.

  13. Years ago we lived in Ohio and the lawmakers outlawed deer hunting. It was hideous, too many deer for their food supply. They starved or invaded suburbs and shopping centers looking for food. There were many car-deer accidents. The law was soon abolished.

  14. I noticed last Sunday that three deer were hit at the same time. I wonder if there were multiple cars that hit them as two were on one side of the road and one on the opposite. They do need to be kept under control as they do get to be large herds.

  15. Nice photos ! We strangely haven't seen any deer here and we live near the woods , not even any reports of any being hit all though there are quite a lot of deer crossing signs . I guess the hunters get a lot of them as I hear the gun's in the distance or we are places where they are at the wrong times lol ! Have a good day !

  16. I know the deer ticks are a big concern there.
    Hope you all are enjoying the weekend.


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