Monday, November 5, 2012

Ice Castle

My other baby brother bought a castle!


It is a super insulated fish house/RV/home away from home.

Jodys Ice Castle

It will sleep four, has a bathroom and a shower, refrigerator, microwave, cooking stove, heat, air conditioning, radio and TV!  I believe it has eight holes in the floor so that you can ice fish from the comforts of home!  Yes, it can be driven out onto the ice..after the ice is safe for vehicles.

Mom Jody Aunt Anna

Mom, Jody and Aunt Anna

The interior is could play a game of cards if fishing is slow..or you could have a nap or stretch out and read a book.

Ice Castles are built in Montevideo Minnesota.  I have seen them for sale in town.  This is the first time I have seen one in the inside.  I though it was way cool..and suggested to my brother that after he retires a few mountains in Wyoming could be calling his name and maybe mine too.  He lived in Big Piney Wyoming for a long time..he knows all the best places to camp in the mountains where you don’t see any other people for days:)

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  1. Cool ! A home away from home and you can fish to awesome ! Have a good day !

  2. WOW!!!!!! That is really nice, ice fishing from the comforts of home away from home......beautiful.....Blessings Francine.

  3. That is some serious fishin' gear!

  4. Now that is my idea of ice fishing!

  5. Seems like the only way to ice fish, if you ask me. Of course, you aren't asking! I like the idea of it, making ice fishing seem almost civilized. :-)

  6. If any place in Wyoming can mimic the weather of Minnesota, it is Big Piney. Temperatures in the winter are often the coldest in the nation.

  7. Holy cow! I've not even seen one of those out on our reservoirs and we have lots of ice fishermen. They'd be totally jealous. Bet he'll be super careful where he parks on the ice with that tho! So can you be a "real" ice fisherman if you aren't out there on a plastic bucket freezing your butt off? LOL

  8. I never knew something like this existed. I cracked up at the idea of holes in the floor for fishing. I went to the Web site... there are lots of options for which hole(s) you want to fish from! This is ice fishing in style, that's for sure!

  9. That is too cool, wonder if I could fit one inside the house here, might perk up the husband to turn up the heat

    You and I may not think alike, but we are definitely blogging sisters...there is a connection between us. And Connie, anytime you guys are here come and visit. I would so love to meet you in person!


  10. This is a first ever for me seeing one or even hearing about one. Luxury fishing spot for sure.

  11. Now, that takes "all the comforts of home" to a new level! Never seen one before.

  12. Wow - that is luxurious indeed!

  13. Wow, that's a first for me too! Does it have air bags that pop out if it starts to sink? That would be my only concern. Park it in the wrong spot or at the wrong time....that's a whole lot of money to let sink into the lake.

  14. Wow Jody - way to go. Can we come visit too!?!

  15. Very cool! Way better than a regular ice house, I'd say, because it's mobile.

  16. You made this all up... right? Well on the other hand this is Minnesota...:)

  17. Funny you should post about fish houses. Just this year I have seen that very same fish house for sale around here. Otherwise we only had ice shacks. And shacks they were; not like the castle your brother bought!!!

  18. The interesting thing about blogging is seeing the different things people like to do - - - like ice fishing! That is a very nice vehicle inside and as you said, it can be used as a regular camper. Versatility - - - makes it more of a bargain. I am happy he is getting to do what he enjoys.

  19. That is really fancy! Sure isn't what we grew up seeing, is it?

    Have a great week!

  20. Really cool digs! When my friends go out fishing I ask them if they caught any fish because I know some of them don't take any equipment.

  21. What a great idea and we love the interior.


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