Thursday, July 29, 2010


 It is a fact of life, when you get older, your body or mind starts to fail. Your big outings are to the Clinic, and if you feel up to it after that you might live dangerously and go out for a late lunch or early supper.  When you get older you can often just eat once late in the afternoon and it counts for two meals.   You look in the mirror and instead of a youthful image, you are frightened by the old lady that stares back at you.. screaming does no good..she is not going away.  So you may as well just accept the fact THAT YOU ARE OLDER!  It is just one of those facts of can be carried into oldness kicking and screaming or you can just sit back and enjoy the Senior discounts and afternoon naps.

This morning I heard on the Today show, that Memory Loss is not a problem until you start becoming lost.  What if you can't remember that you are lost..just a thought.

 Far Guys medication makes him forget sometimes.  However it is a very selective memory loss, as it always seems to be concerning something that I have told him and reminded him about..and then he says "Well how come you never mentioned THAT before?"  or "This is the first I have heard of that."  I have threatened to write stuff down and make him sign it and date it.  He on the other hand says that I just think I told him and since he cannot read my mind he hasn't got a clue.  He is constantly hollering at me from the other room "I can't hear you talk to me when you are in there."  Perhaps I was just mumbling under my breath.  One of our most frustrating forgetful incidents is medications..some days he just forgets all day long to take his meds..If I ask him, he will say "Yes, I took my meds." When it is obvious by the pill reminder container that he has not.  "WHAT are all these pills doing in here then?"  I am now in the habit of walking by his pill container and visually checking its contents..I pick it up and shake it..and always remember to take it with us wherever we go.  Togetherness takes on a whole different dimension when you get older..together perhaps one of you will always remember to take your meds everyday..and keep you from getting lost.  
 Happy Birthday to my perfect Son In Law handy Andy..he is smack dab in the middle between thirty and forty today. He is on the cusp of oldness, the part where a little grey hair just makes you more handsome:)


  1. I couldn't help but smile when I was reding your post today. So many things are familiar in our household also, the 'selective' hearing, and sadly true memory loss.
    Myself, I can truly say, I have slowed down. On my days off from work, instead of venturing the streets, I love nothing more than to wear a long loose-fitting garment, and potter around the house, something even a few years ago, I do only on odd occasions, now it's every week.
    Maybe it's because I AM still in the workforce, and relish my days off without hustle and bustle.
    Your SIL is a handsome chap indeed, sending him, the BEST birthday wishes !

  2. Happy Birthday Andy!!!

    John and I laugh and say between the two of us we have ONE good mind & body! ha ha

    Your post is all very familiar. I often run into old friends in the store and they say, "I didn't recognize you." UGH- that bad, huh????

  3. "on the cusp of oldness..." I love that! Happy Birthday, Andy.

    That is a relief to know about your hubby's tricks. Mine had me convinced I was headed for assisted living.

  4. I don't think of 35 as the cusp of oldness. Anyway I'm there with ya. But I never forget to take my meds especially because I only take meds once a day and that is at bedtime for now.

    It is a bummer getting older. I am on the cusp of those senior discounts. Great post Connie. Have a nap and a good afternoon.

  5. Here's shoutin' out a big old Happy Birthday to Handy Andy. Golly gee, 35...he's just a youngun!

    Ya'll know the old sayin' that age is just an number but sometimes ya find it takes two just to speak in complete sentences! Heeehehe! Might as well laugh....just sayin'!

    You have a terrifically blessed day girl!

  6. Sounds familiar. My husband's favorite two words - "I forgot." I sometimes wonder how he remembers to get up and get dressed each day. He blames his memory loss on aging, but it's funny that he never forgets to watch a ballgame. Like Far Guy, his is selective too.

    Happy Birthday to your young & handsome son-in-law. He has a long way to go before he will begin his selective memory loss.

  7. Selective memory, eh...what were we talking I coming or going...hhhmmm...

  8. I have grey hair sprouting and age spots, and I'm only 41!

  9. The decades of the thirties and the forties are the best ones! You still have lots of energy, very, very good health, but the best part is you have gained some wisdom, too. Hope Andy has or had a wonderful birthday. Maybe the rest of us will remember tomorrow that there was a celebration today!

  10. I feel so old---Happy Birthday Andy

  11. Happy B day Andy, a truely wonderful SIL. He is so handsome!

  12. Great post. Too true, but still funny. :)
    Happy B.Day Andy!

  13. Happy birthday youngun' Andy!

    I just have begun to realize that I am probably past "middle-aged". Dagan and Leah just chuckled. In my family people usually live into their 80s and 90s and I had a grandmother who lived to be I haven't thought of myself at past middle-age--until I realized I will be 60 in March and Dagan and Leah said I will probably not live to be 120. ROFLMAO!! Loved this post! :):)

  14. Yes, happy birthday to Andy, who is half my age, and if he's on the cusp, I must have rusted by now! Great post, Connie, I always love your romantic descriptions of you and Far Guy. :-)

  15. bwaaa ha ha ha. I tell my husband EVERYTHING and he forgets it. He doesn't tell me anything.

    Yes. handsome son in law. I miss those youthful days.

  16. I have just what you have and I don't like it!!!:)

  17. Andy is YOUNG! Your post is a hoot today. Thanks for the smile.

  18. happy birthday, Andy. my husband goes back and forth taking meds. every day, i asked him if he took meds. gets to be a routine that i don't like,but he needs his meds. have a good day.

  19. It is nice when your family grows that it adds good people. Handy Andy was what we always called our oldest so when he was young. He will be 33 this year.

  20. Thank God for those pill containers! Otherwise, I'd never remember whether I took the pills or not.


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