Friday, October 2, 2009


Yessiree, my arm is sore, the Nurse was ruthless, I thought I could be brave like the five year old boy that went in just prior to me..he was very brave, he didn't even whimper. The nurse was built like a lumberjack, she screamed "Sit in the chair" I sat down, she commanded me to "Relax" ..easy for her to say, I asked how painful was it going to be, passing out painful or piece of cake painful? She said "It will sting a little, like a bee." Well it was like she injected my arm with a whole bunch of bees, visions of that movie where the sky turns black with bees danced in my head. Far Guy smiled from outside the door, where the heck is he when I need him, he should be here holding my hand. Nope, he went to get more of the free cookies that they offered at the Flu Shot Clinic at the grocery store. He is smiling at can he smile when I am in incredible pain? I should have asked for a sling to wear on my arm, cooking will most definitely not be happening with my arm all a mess.

Are you going to get a Flu Shot? The seasonal one this year contains H3N2 virus, a B virus, and Influenza A H1N1..NOT the 2009 H1N1..that one is going to cause the pandemic and thirty five percent of our population will be hospitalized, that one should be available soon. We have not discussed if we will get that one or not.

Far Guy usually gets a flu shot, I usually don't. The last time I got a Flu Shot eight or nine years ago, I was sick for a really long time with a long lasting flu. I know, I know, they say that the flu shot cannot give you the flu, that the vaccine contains a dead virus. Well perhaps it is dead and it comes alive in some people bodies..or maybe just mine.

It seems that people had been lined up all afternoon, the length of the grocery store. Far Guy called the Pharmacy at one point to find out which insurance they accepted..Aqua Crooks and Aqua Shysters was accepted, and then he asked how long the line was..he said "Really, just like high school, remember how they used to make us wait in line so long that some of the kids would pass out before they got their shots?" It is a good thing we didn't lolly-gag around in town too long before going to get our shots, there were only two more people after us, they had used all their serum up. Getting a flu shot was a fairly popular activity yesterday afternoon:)


  1. I got flu shots for years and years, then just stopped getting them a few years back. I probably won't get one this year either. Hope I don't end up regretting that decision!

  2. I have to go get mine tomorrow. I will avoid any nurse that looks like a lumberjack and I will take a sling just in case. And here I was thing that King Far Guy was so wonderful and now I hear he is eating cookies while you suffer. Guess he won't get a curtsy from me if I ever meet him.

  3. I have never received a flu shot and my husband is the emergency manager for our county.

  4. I'll be getting mine at the Senior Center on Monday. I've been getting one for several years now, and the last time I got the flu (sometime in the 1980s) I remember never ever wanting to get it again. So I reluctantly go get one and hope for the best. One year my husband got terribly sick after his shot, but he bravely got one the next year, and has never had another reaction (if indeed that was what he had the first time).

  5. Nalley NEVER gets a shot if he does not HAVE to! Last year was my 1st flu shot. Can't decide whether to get one this year. If I should, I will definitely stop and get the JUMBO Reese's Peanut Butter Cup candy bar! You did get a treat didn't you??????

  6. I always get pneumonia if I skip the seasonal flu shot, so this gal is game. I am not gettin' the Oinker H1N1 'cause I got the stinkin' pig flu in the beginning just before they put a name to it.

    Take care of that arm and have a super weekend!!!

  7. No flu shot for me here..........sounds like they hurt too much:) If I could get out of cooking though...............

  8. Hey Lady. I had a real nice nurse who gave me my flu shot yesterday and it didn't hurt but I didn't get a treat either.They said I needed to have the shot as I have to many health problems and I don't need to get the flu. But who sys I won't get it anyway? Plus no OINKER shot for me.They probably made this syrum I don't really care to much for. Put some cold compresses on the arm and keep it in a sling for several days and you should recover nicely. lilly

  9. Every single time I get a flu shot, I get miserably sick, so I don't know what to do this year.
    Sunny :)

  10. I used to get the flu shot, and I got very sick, one year, it was 3 times in a row. I am thinking that my symptoms sure did resemble the oinky flu back in July.

    So who knows, maybe you have a reaction to the shot, or maybe, like some smart aleck doctor told me "it probably saved your life, you would have been much sicker if you didn't have the flu shot."
    Well doctor, I was pretty sick that year, so who knows....

    Hope all is well with you soon. Poor Far Guy, he is getting a bad rap from your commenters.


  11. I have never had a flu shot and I don't plan to get one this year. My mother-in-law always gets a flu shot and my father-in-law never has. They are both 92 years old and neither has had the flu in the 33 years that I've known them.

  12. OUCH!

    I don't know if I'm going to get it or not.

  13. Ouch! I'm terrified of needles...

  14. Now I'm confused. I was going to get a flu shot this year for the first time in 50+ years because after the shot I got way back when I was sick for a week. After reading some of the comments, I may take my chances again this year and not get it.

  15. Wow. I am a nurse and your shot should NOT have hurt this much...I wonder why it did? Was she unusually rough? Hit the wrong spot (a nerve?) If your arm continues to be sore, contact the store as she may have injured your arm.


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