Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Whine

What a miserable month..rain and more rain..cloudy, dreary grey days..if it is not drizzling rain then the gale force winds move everything around so much you can't take any decent photographs. What is there to take photographs of the early mornings..check, brown leaves on the ground..check..brown leaves hanging in the trees ..check. I want my two or three weeks of Indian Summer and I want them NOW.

I was keeping track of rainy cold days..versus sun shine days..the sun is became so dismal I lost track. I got out my parka, and gloves. Every morning when you get up you have to turn the lights on..and they stay on most of the day.

We finished up most of the outdoor fall work.. I raked, I blew, I mulched leaves..the yard looked pretty good..then the wind blew and more leaves came down out of the trees. I knew it would happen.. I had hoped by mowing the yard really short that the leaves would keep on travelling into the woods. Years ago I used that technique to keep the leaves moving from a very manicured lawn in Moorhead. You would think it would work here too..but the woods has a never ending supply of leaves to drive me crazy with.

Far Guy and I washed windows, I use Glass Wax on the outside, so that the rain drops will shed off the windows. It is the pits to use, smelly..and you have to smear it on and then wait for it to dry and then buff like there is no tomorrow..or you will get streaks. Although streaks usually don't show up unless there is sunshine.

I finally got all the lawn furniture dried out and put away for the winter. Chances pool was emptied..he was sad. Far Guy got out his special old pontoon cover to sling over the top of his Ferris Wheel Seat near the front door..gosh I hate that blue. Like death knolls..each of these covering ups, and putting aways...I don't want to give up on Fall might stop raining..the sun may shine again someday..when it does come out, I am sure I will be blinded.

Oh ya and we get to Fall Back with the time change this Sunday..that means it gets dark at five o'clock in the afternoon. I am really looking forward to that with great anticipation.

Halloween, now that is something to look forward to..candy.. and little kids..we will get ten kids..and I will take their photographs...after that it will be more month closer to spring:)


  1. At least I don't have to drive to work in the dark with the time change, but I get the pleasure of driving home in the dark. Which is worse, I ask myself.

    Well maybe the morning drive. Little kids waiting for the bus in the dark is a wee bit scary for me. Plus I am a chicken and I can't get my eyelids to wake up at 5:00 when it's dark. One more hour on that will at least have my eyelids thinking about waking up.


  2. We did much of the same yesterday. Well I watched and gave moral support. I hated giving up and putting all the outdoor decorations and furniture away. I hate what it means next - snow and cold. We have had dreary skies and rain also. They said it was the rainiest October on record and we are to get 2-3 inches of rain tonight. What a bummer fall. I feel cheated.

  3. It is raining here and will be raining Friday also. Damp, Damp!

  4. Ya sound like me not giving up the ghost of summer. I love the picture of the leaf. It's been a horrible day here. Another five inches of rain. We had one sunny day this week and I had to spend it at the dentist! {SIGH]

    Have a terrific day and hopefully the sun will shine again!!!

  5. Wish I could send you some sunshine. We have had more rainy days but the sun shines in between. I am glad the time is changing. I have a very hard time getting up this time of year when normally I arise before the alarm. Hope you get the sun soon. Have a good a day as you can. Stay dry.

  6. I hear you, and what can I say? Other than each day of winter will bring you one closer to spring.

    That, and I love photos of frost. Maybe you could start a collection of them online. I would love to see them.

    We only ever get rain, and more rain...... oh and some fog.

    I would love some frost.


  7. I'm not much on Winter or dreary, rainy days. I need sun to be happy! I once lived in Montgomery AL and I remember it getting dark @ 4:30 pm - boy, it made the nights long!

  8. I decided I would also take picture of any kids who come here for candy. They owe me that much, don't they? I do think that first picture of the frosty leaf is exceptional. Gives me several different feelings about this time of year, some good, some not so good.

  9. Yes, it has been dismal hasn't it? The short days sure make it hard to enjoy whatever little sun we do get since I go to work in the dark and return home in the dark. Sigh...

  10. I'm with you, I want and need some sunshine. Thank God I live somewhere in colorado where the snow melts fast but an hour away they have up to two feet of snow. Now I lived in the snow all of my live but the older I get the more sun I need. lol. I really cant stand the cold weather. Have a great night.

  11. I thought I was alone. I can't get out to take any pictures. We've had a record year for rain and the farmers can't get their fall crops in. Tonight I-70 is closed from here clear to Denver. Guess I'll pull out the summer flower pictures and look forward to spring.

  12. The sunrises this week have been beau...tiful until this morn ing....dark dark and rainy! Check them out in tomorrow's post.

    Wouldn't that be crazy now if we get our Indian summer in November....

  13. We did have a little sunshine in SW Minnesota yesterday....But sorry to say: Look what's coming now.

  14. I need to do some of this. but it seems so redundant with the leaves. Why not wait until they all fall? (:

  15. All we see is rain and bare trees-so sad. I keep thinking that maybe tomorrow will be a sunny day but no such luck so far. I suppose we will have to have snow before we see Indian summer. Now with the time tie it will be dark by 4:30. How depressing is that. Almost makes me want to shower and get ready for bed.Oh well to bad I'm not a beer drinker or I would be drowing my sorrows in a tall glass, got to go do dishes,at least that is something constructive. lilly

  16. Rainy here too-and it seems more yellows than reds in the fall colour this year-I wonder if it's because of all the rain.

  17. You are so funny..."one more month closer to spring". I feel EXACTLY the same way. Every winter I start the countdown to spring. :-}


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