Saturday, March 8, 2025

Slow progress

 Far Guy is making slow progress toward recovery...and I mean SLOW.  We will take it one day at a time.  He is coughing and then his oxygen sats drop.  We both had a much needed nap yesterday after the restless night before. 

I worked on a project a number of years in the making.  I worked on Far Guy's Paternal Grandparents history and their diaries.  It was a blog now converted into two books.  I am pleased, it is ordered and when it is delivered I can cross that project off my list!!  I attempted to upload it last Winter with no luck...but with some focus(My word for 2025) I got it done this Winter! The books are not cheap....but  Far Guy and I felt the expense is worth it.  I used Pixie to create the books. 

The blog is called Tracie's Treasures.  I am certain it is not perfect...but it chronicles family history for many years. 

In the photo ...that is Far Guy standing up between his Grandparents.  Far Guy's sister Janice is on the far left.
Far Side


  1. These sorts of projects need to be on my list to do. Still praying for Far Guy’s health to return.

  2. Tracies Treasures sure took a lot of work! I always hoped someone in my family would do the same. Interesting to look back on diaries.
    My grandmother kept a daily log like some of the ones you mention. She always wrote down her weather observations too. Very interesting, though I bet no one kept them now.

  3. That picture has wonderful clarity! That is a very good thing you did creating that book.
    Thankful FG IS making forward progress. As we know, the slow pace is fine as long as he continues to improve. We appreciate the update.

  4. Even very slow progress is good to hear. Prayers are with you both.
    The book will be a treasure to hand down in the family--wow! :)

  5. I started a similar project but I got stuck on the blogger format.

  6. It is good to see progress, however slow. Take care, both of you.

  7. I will always love her as Grandma Gene ;) so many wonderful memories of time spent with her! Feeling so special using a tea cup and saucer for tea and tiny cookies; and if a cup got chipped or cracked it was "just perfect" to transplant some hen and chicks into; the couch on the sun porch was the perfect spot to read together over looking the back yard; so many fun magazines to choose from; walking to get the mail and all the treasures in her apron pockets; walking over the really big culvert to go to the back field to give Mom a quart jar with fresh lemonade the ice clinking on the sides of the glass on warm summer days (getting to lift the handle on the silver ice cube tray to get the ice cubes out!)... and feeling really special when she signed her name, Love, Grandma Gene!

  8. I'm glad he is getting better, even if it is a slow process. I have looked at Pixie too, to print my blog. My blog is way too big, and I can't afford to print it all, but I'm thinking about doing the beginning part, where I was in grad school at UM where my folks had gone to school more than 50 years before. That was the beginning of my blog experience and it's sort of cool to look back. The quality of the books seems good...I'll wait and see what you think when you get them!

  9. I continue to wish for a good recovery for Far Guy. Slow and steady with plenty of rest.
    The books will be a wonderful gift for your family too.

  10. How precious are those old photos. This new generation will never know how meaningful the scrapbook can be to the newer generations. Good for you for creating the book, and I know what you mean about the expense. Linda

  11. Far Guy is so cute.ill read their story. Thank you.

  12. Slow and steady is heading in the right direction. You make the best family projects!!

  13. Healing is slow...ask me how I know. Glad you got some rest...that is very important. What a gift to your family those books are and all the hours you've worked to make them come about....priceless!

  14. I think preserving family history is so important. Glad you got yours all done. Yes, it seems everything you do these days costs tons of money but some things you can't put a price on!

  15. Slow progress is better than none. Hang in there. You are both important to so many people.
    Your book project sounds like a family treasure.

  16. Slow progress is better than none. Let's hope for more in that direction.

  17. Sending positive vibes to both of you! Caregiving is so stressful, take care of yourself too.

  18. I am glad to know he is slowly improving. He's got lots of people like me praying for a full recovery.

  19. continued prayers for FG. This book will be priceless and hopefully will be cherished by many for years to come.

  20. I hope the progress continues, regardless of how slowly. Just needs to go in the right direction!
    What an accomplishment and wonderful gift for your family!

  21. How wonderful that you're getting that book done. It will be amazing, I'm sure, and such a treasure for the family. Praying for far guy to keep getting better and less pain for you! diane in northern wis


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