Friday, March 7, 2025

Roller Coaster

 I feel like we are on a roller coaster ride, ups and downs and wild and crazy turns. 

Photo I took several summer ago. 

He felt good enough to get his weekly infusion, I accompanied him instead of running errands.

He is still at home for now...under my eagle eye and is instructed to voice that he is okay when he is awake.  He had a partially obstructed airway yesterday afternoon that he fought through that was no fun. 

Far Side


  1. Oh jeeze. I know how hard this is for you especially now that you aren't feeling great. My heart is feeling it for you. If that sounds weird, it is because I am up at 2 with someone who thinks it is a different time in his mind.
    Fingers crossed.
    OH...beautiful shot!

  2. Oh boy, the obstruction doesn't sound good. I'm glad that he was able to fight through it and is at home with you. Take care, both of you!

  3. Hopefully he will keep on making improvements.

  4. Glad FG was able to get out for infusion. Hopefully it will help him. That is a scary thing with the partially obstructed airway! You do a great job of getting him better when he is sick but so sorry it happened to him again this winter.

  5. The ups and downs make thinks stressful.

  6. the ups and downs can simply wear you down. Keeping FG in my prayers and hoping that everyday there will be great improvements.

  7. Oh my gosh! That sounds horrifying. I hope today is much, much better.

  8. Thoughts and prayers for both of you💗

  9. Hopefully today is a better day!

  10. Glad to hear he's still at home, despite the ups and downs!

  11. Rollercoaster indeed. I'm hoping for you he is able to stay at home.

  12. So glad he made it through without ending up in the hospital again. I bet he was glad to have you with for company at his infusion. I always appreciated Dagan or Leah being with me. I hope this warmer weather will help. :)

  13. Hang in there. Poor Far Guy.

  14. Hope he keeps improving. I liked your description of my Goldfinch pictures - little bits of sunshine.

  15. A roller coaster is right! So scary. I can't even imagine.


  16. So scary! I can't even imagine. Hang in there....we're all rooting for you both!

  17. Oh yeah life is often a rollercoaster with some frightening parts, I hope all is going well there

  18. Know that I am continuing to pray for Gene. I'm surprised he was able to get his infusion. Hope that portends good future news for him. Take good care of him and you, friend.

  19. I hope you both got some rest today and that tomorrow will be better. Prayers for both of you.


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