Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 Far Guy got out of the hospital about noon on Monday.   He actually got to see his Primary Care Doctor in the morning.  It helps that at least one Doctor is familiar with a persons health concerns.  (FYI he is also my Primary Care Doctor and he has hospital privileges...unlike the Pulmonary Doctors that care for Far Guy..they do not have hospital privileges...strange I know...must have something to do with insurance)

Anyways he is feeling weak, but is breathing mostly okay and he can be off oxygen when he is sitting in a chair...and his O2 sats stay ok for the most part. He will sleep better in his own bed here at Andy and Jen's home. 

After Jen got home from work I ran necessary errands for prescriptions, Post Office and grocery store. Nice to have a back up person!!

Sadie was happy to see Far Guy...then she decided to take a nap. She can survey the whole neighborhood watching for delivery people, squirrels and Andy's blue truck coming home...I swear she can hear it inside the house when he is a block away.   Lately the new puppy next door named Trixie  has her bugged. 

Far Side


  1. no doubt it has to do with insurance...they run medicine now...good news

  2. Sadie is darker coated than when she was young. Glad Far Guy escaped the hospital. Maybe Trixie will become Sadie’s friend one day.

  3. I'm so glad to hear FG is OUT. Now he just need to get stronger. I love Sadie, thanks for the pictures of her.

  4. That is the best news! Rest, rest, rest both of you!

  5. Glad to hear he's well enough to be out of the hospital!

  6. I'm happy to hear Far Guy is at home with you and the family. I'm sure he'll rest easier with your care.

  7. So glad he is home!! People generally seem to do better when they can get back home.
    Sadie is such a beautiful dog. Love seeing pictures of her. :)

  8. Good too read that Far Guy is home!! Sadie has a big job keeping track of all her people.

  9. Happy to hear FG is home and improving! It looks like Sadie’s coat is getting darker.

  10. Such good news! A backup person is a good thing to have.

  11. Glad to hear Far Guy is doing much better. I am sure that makes you feel better as well.

  12. So good to know FG is home again. Sadie looks pretty relaxed and content💗

  13. So happy Far Guy is home!!!

  14. So glad to hear that Far Guy is home from the hospital.

  15. Glad you are home! Hope you are both feeling better already.

  16. Good news about Far Guy. It's important to be as comfortable as possible.
    You are a busy household, and Sadie keeps track of you all. :-)

  17. So glad that he's home to recover and rest!

  18. Good that Far Guy is back home and I hope he makes steady progress back to normal.

  19. Oh so glad to hear that far guy is out of the H. Hurray.....now to get him well again.

  20. I am keeping FG in my prayers. I hope he enjoys being back among family and not in that rather atrocious hospital.

  21. HOME!!! Home a person can rest! And Sadie can help!!

  22. That's a lovely lookout spot!
    Glad the hubs is coming along. What a time.


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