Monday, March 3, 2025

Hospital Report

 I think that we got him into the hospital in the nick of time before he turned Septic as last year when he had Influenza A, Pneumonia and Sepsis his numbers were almost the same...however I am not a Dr. 

Bottom line is that he is improving with IV meds and nebulizer treatments every 2 to 4 hours. Yeah Far Guy...and I may bust him out on Monday or Tuesday.

He looks much better than Saturday!  

So this is the inside of the fancy new hospital.  He has a private bathroom and there is a recliner in the room and a couch under the window...where I had a nap!  The decor is mostly battleship grey and Far Guy says they must have bought the paint in 55 gallon drums. 

Here is the view out his window. He is on the third floor. Jen visited him in the morning, me all afternoon and then Jen and Andy at night. 

Note the wonderful parking situation, that is our vehicle parked by the little grey Valet Shack...they don't work late.  My keys were at the security desk.  

It took me eight minutes to walk from Far Guy's room to the vehicle.  It was 709 steps from the car to his room...that is about  1/3 of a mile.  You cannot even cross over on the mud because you know it was goopy mud.  Who ever designed this new hospital is a blooming idiot.  Yes I am older and have RA and it is a struggle to walk...but I made it.  Apparently they think that the only people coming into the hospital should be young people with no handicap.

Security is soon as you walk in the doors you are met by a person who asks you why you are there and escorts you to another desk where you have to show your drivers license and get your photograph taken and you are issued a sticky label with your name on it and the room you are supposed to go to...I suppose just in case you get lost.  

Oh yes the many colored moss on the wall behind the Security Desk is drying up and falling off.  The grout between the tiles is already I noticed that the grout lines are very clean near the walls.  There are still remnants of sheet rock dust and who ever cleans doors/cabinets needs a lesson as hand prints are visible.  Paint is falling off the wall in some places.  I think after the three or four years it took to build this monstrosity it would be better than it is.   Can you tell I am not impressed?  Not even with the grand staircase or the Grand Piano.

Far Side


  1. hopefully he is getting better care than the building...i am fortunate to have world class teaching hospitals very near me where the care is equally impressive...

  2. I'm SO glad you got him to the hospital in time!! And I know about those lonely hospital safe!

  3. FG does look better in that picture. If it's not one thing it's another. Life is really hard these days but beats the alternative, right?

  4. The hospital does not sound inviting. I hope the staff makes up for it. Keeping all of you in my prayers.

  5. So glad Far Guy is doing so much better. Thankful you all decided to take him in to the ER. He does have a nice room, but sounds like some things were not planned out very well in the parking area... Do you have a handicap sticker?

    1. Yes we do, but that parking lot is further away. Valet Parking was the closest.

  6. I'm continuing prayers for Far Guy and you! Our hospital was built the year I graduated high school in 1975, and with all the add-ons they've done, it's a monstrosity... no one likes it, but it's all most of us have and can afford to get to because other places cost extra gas to travel and aren't any better anyway. For one, it takes a day to get from one part of the hospital to another, as if we're back in the pioneer days working our way across the country with a covered wagon. Ugh. And although parts are new, I understand what you're saying about grime build-up and everything else - they sure could use some people who do their jobs better. My husband just spent the better part of February in our local hospital. I will pray you can bust Far Guy out of your hospital soon! God bless!

  7. That sounds really ugly not to mention poorly built if there is paint already falling off. Hopefully FG will be home again quickly and feeling so much better.

  8. It sounds like our hospital. There are some very good things and some very bad things. It sounds like the security is for murderers. I CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY HOSPITALS NEED SO MUCH SECURITY.

  9. Such good news! You are a super hero for getting him to the hospital when you did. And he is looking good!
    I agree with your comments on construction and design. We built a commercial kitchen (about a decade ago) at our church. Thank goodness a meeting with the contractors and building committee got double booked with our ladies meeting and we decided to forgo our meeting and sit in. One items was the ceramic tile floor. We were aghast. They kept telling us it was the "in thing" and other gibberish. I said "I am the youngest person here and I am telling you, I am not getting down on my knees and scrubbing grout in a 500 sq foot room. We want solid roll commercial linoleum." Cleaning grout never entered their minds. We also had to battle for a serving window to the dining room. Best money we ever spent. They ordered the counters at some crazy height. Luckily someone (a lady) was there as they were being installed and halted the process. Powers that be figured out how to remove the top drawers from the bottom cupboards to lower them to a reasonable height and then put the drawers together for two extra units. I swear "designers" do not design with actual use in mind. A solution to a few things at the hospital would have been to have the custodial staff sit in on a few meetings.
    And that parking situation is ridiculous. They need a 24/7 transport system to your vehicle!

  10. At least Far Guy is getting the care he needs. But I agree, some attention to details is important. It would make one wonder what else is happening behind the scenes.
    I do hope Far Guy is able to be home early in the week!

  11. So sorry to read that your guy is back in the hospital. Hope you can spring Gene sooner than later and get back to the comforts of your home away from home.

  12. I am so glad FarGuy is improving. WHEW!!! And SEEING HIM SITTING UP is WONDERFUL!!!

  13. I appreciate the update on his recovery. Good for you both and the medical staff!
    Your new hospital sounds like the new one here in D, perched on a cliff downtown. It's literally a wind tunnel with a cold blast almost continually off the lake through the street which you cross from parking areas. Everything is a long hike to get there. Don't they realize that people are there because they are SICK? Visitors are usually near the age of the patients and getting to see my husband after his surgery had me in tears with no help from someone to push a wheelchair and me with a cane, almost 86, trying to find him. We do a lot of hoping we never need to go downtown to the facility because there is a branch up on the hill near our home. Why did they build where the whole town has been disrupted for years while they reconstruct the whole downtown? They could have built where there is much better space and travel there is not so puzzling. Employees even must pay to park so they can walk a good distance to get to work. What a mess. Somebody made a lot of money on this boondoggle.

  14. So, so happy that he is responding to treatment.👍🏻. Yep, my doctor's group has a big, beautiful new building designed by your same idiots. Parking and long walkways are standard for us older kids and anyone with a medical condition. Same lovely uplifting grey and we live where half of our days are already foggy, damp and grey. It’s like a kitchen designed by someone who has never cooked.🙄. Have a good day and hope he gets to come home soon. Home is always a healing place ❤️‍🩹.

  15. Who cares if the decor is Battleship Gray because Far Guy won't have to be there much longer! It doesn't sound like a great hospital. Hopefully the staff is good.

  16. Happy to hear FG is improving. I got a chuckle about the 55 gallon drums of paint! Good lord, all those steps at a hospital just to get to the parking lot! 🤦🏻‍♀️

  17. So glad he is doing better! Having a private room is really nice! But the new hospital sure doesn't sound that great at all. I can sure relate to the long walks! That's why for quite a while Leah had to push me in one of their wheelchairs so I could get to various appointments here in Fargo. A couple of times we got a ride in a golf cart of sorts with a driver--can't even remember if that was at the hospital or the cancer center. The cart ride was only randomly available, though it could be called for by staff if they were on duty. I had many months that were such a blur. I do hope Gene is home soon!! You will both rest better back at home. :)

  18. Well, bottom line is get Far Guy well and get gone from there. Hope he’s home soon. You need a tricycle to get there. When Ada was in the hospital and Larry was sick ,he went to see Erin and Ada but cried told Erin it was too hard. He couldn’t come again. There was an elevator but we had to sit and rest and then he’d go a little farther. It was horrible. That was parking in handicapped space too. I bet it was over half a mile.

  19. So glad that Far Guy is doing better. It's good to see him sitting up. I think it's crazy how hard it is to get to the hospitals from the parking areas. It's like that here too.
    Praying for Gene to soon be home with you.

  20. LD......I hope all the treatments hit the problem quickly. No being septic is good news. My wife had a hard time to beat that last year. The distance of the walks are consistent with hospitals. The ones that I was in were some that buildings kept being added to and you had to weave through all sorts of hallways high and low. Prayers beings sent up for Far Guy.

  21. Good news of improvement! Hope the word "home" is said soon! Thinking of you guys!

  22. Thank God Far Guy is getting better. Whew. So glad you got him there. Wow...I would have a hard time walking that far to the car. Glad you made it! Nice view though, out his window.


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