Saturday, September 28, 2024


 Yesterday was the Homecoming parade in town.  We found a spot to park Tilly on Main Street and waited for the parade. 

We waited quite awhile, we talked to my baby brother and his bride...they are sitting on the bench waiting for the parade.

It was a nice day sunny and 80F or 27C. 

Homecoming King and Queen.

Great Niece Olivia is in the ripped jeans and Great Niece Anna on the far right. 

A hayrack full of football players was the last parade unit. 

The parade was short and sweet, lots of kids smiling and waving!  

Fun times!

Far Side

Friday, September 27, 2024

Uffda times two

 Wow this little big surgery is kicking my butt.  I managed all the errands in town and then came home to crash for several hours.  Woke up to help with supper and spilled my entire plate of food on the floor. is sometimes messy.

Far Side

Thursday, September 26, 2024


 So sore from the surgery...or maybe it is the stitches that burn...who knows.  

Yesterday Far Guy went with  me to have lunch with long time friend Susie so we could celebrate our birthdays!  We don't get together often enough.  Susie always makes me laugh!  

I came home and had a five hour sleep.  

Here is an energizer bunny for you...our Great Granddaughter Cee Cee getting ready for jimbasticks. 

Isn't she just as cute as she can be!  I shamelessly stole this photo from her Mom's facebook page. Wish I had her energy!  

Far Side

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 I had a small bigger than I thought surgery yesterday at the Dermatologists Office.  The biopsy on my shoulder came back as atypical cells and the spot on my cheek came back as malignant melanoma. So both spots were taken care of.  I have a considerable amount of discomfort but am glad to have it behind me....keeping fingers and toes crossed that these biopsies come back clear and the huge hole in my face heals well.  They will do some kind of genetic testing on the first samples...some study to see if there is a genetic link to melanoma. 

 Hopefully I can cross this off the freaking list. 

All my eye tests came back okay/normal for aging eyes...cross that off the list too. 

Far Guy is taking good care of me.

Far Side

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Vintage Paper

 I made a big ole project for myself.  

I wanted vintage looking cotton watercolor paper for the Christmas cards.  

I could only buy large sheets...but if I ordered them I could make my own size papers. 

They had a deckle edge... uffda...I watched some You Tube Videos...but finally just went out on my own and figured it out. 

I scored the paper...turning it every which way. 

Then I ripped and ripped...

Perfect vintage looking papers to watercolor on...maybe I have not tried that part yet. 

Lots of scraps. 
Far Side

Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy Fall

 Lots of the leaves are just turning brown and falling off the trees...especially in our Oaks. 

Fall is here, our temperatures in the 80's might be history along with the humidity.  The potato harvest has begun after the temperatures cooled off. 

The little Asters are blooming quite nicely.  

Far Guy is feeling a tad bit better, improvement is slow.  Yesterday we recycled, searched for something lost that was eventually found and went out for lupper at our favorite Mexican place...we can still sit out on the patio there.  One more Sunday lupper and they will close until next Spring. 

Grandson Noah has Covid, praying he makes a full recovery.  Grandson Adam has started a new job in Western North Dakota.  The giggly Grand girls Savannah and Paige called me on my birthday.  Maddie messaged me that Grandpa should spoil me all day long. 

So Fall is here, I wonder if we will have good Fall color or not. Soon I will begin mulching leaves with the lawn mower.  

Oh and some of the Lilacs are looking better with new growth and some are even blooming again...who knew? 

Far Side

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Oh deer

 The twin fawns were at the bird bath taking turns getting a drink.  They are losing their spots.  I went to get my camera and they left...but

their Mama came in for a drink too.

My what big ears you have.

She sauntered over and began nibbling on the chokecherry bushes.  She is a very dark color now. 

Far Side

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Birthday report

 I woke up to my husband singing Happy Birthday! 

I escorted him to Urgent Care because his breathing had changed...he has meds on board now and should improve every day.   The covid vaccination last week may have been too much for his system and he needs a bit of help to feel better. 

We still managed to go out for lupper,  had afternoon naps and then headed to friends who had baked me a cake.  

Thank you for all the birthday greetings! 

The last card on the right is from my other baby says "If anyone asks how old you are tell them to count your fingers!!"

Far Side

Friday, September 20, 2024

Another year

 Well I made it another year!

This was my birthday party in 1955 when I was four years old. Guests were; Corrine, Sharon, Rhonda and my baby brother Carey.  Carey is holding a small birthday cake.  Awesome neighbor lady Lorraine would make a small cake just for the birthday girl/boy...a tradition she carried on for many years. 

Here I am with that special cake. 

Far Side

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Smudge and the treat lady

 I could interview Smudge for you today.  I am not quite certain of her voice yet but will give it a whirl. 

"Smudge how old are you now?"  

Arf Arf  ...4 months plus a week or two

"Is it true that you encountered the electric fence around the garden?"

Yippp Yippp

"Did you try and eat a Wooly Bear Caterpillar?"  Note that she has a pointing action going on.

Yes but the treat lady told me NO.

"Was it a solid black Wooly Bear, that could mean no Winter or the worst Winter ever?" 

All I know is it smelled bad so I didn't eat it.

"Smudge did you terrorize Snapping Turtle babies today?"

Yes, I gave them the what for ...for a long time...did you hear me barking at your place?

"Smudge who is your favorite treat lady?"

Well you would be #1 but all you have is the lousy Cheerios that are a low calorie treat for my fat brother. 


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sweet as a Strawberry

 Just yesterday she was little.   I have proof.

1983...lets see that was 41 years ago.  Her shirt says Sweet as a Strawberry. 

Today is her birthday...the glue that holds our family together often putting her needs and wants aside to take care of others.   She often asks me "Mom what can I do for you?"

 Always just a phone call away or in the Winter time just a holler away. 


We are so thankful to have her in our lives, God has blessed us! 

Me and Jen 1975

She loved those big birthday cookies! 

Me, Far Guy and Jen in Hawaii a few years ago.

Happy Birthday Jen!  Have the best birthday yet!! Love you lots!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Impatiens capensis or Jewelweed is a wildflower.

It is growing quite nicely along the dock over at my baby brothers home.  It likes a bit of sun and lots of moisture to grow well.   Flowers can be orange or yellow.

See the fleshy stem/stalk...the clear gelatinous substance inside is what kills the itch and spread of poison ivy.  I pick the largest stalks and split them open with a knife.  Some people will keep stalks in their freezer for the next years early poison ivy problems.  We have a slurry in our year Far Guy got some stalks and threw the whole stalk into the works great.  

I managed to escape a huge outbreak of the Poison Ivy this year...I had three small should not touch sweaty cleavage with a lawn mowing glove.  Lesson learned. 

Far Side

Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday aftrernoon

 We had company on Sunday, first my other baby brother and she who sees robins first, then two of our Grands.  Savannah and Paige came to spend some time with the old folks!  

We got caught up with the goings on in their lives. 

Then we went to lunch at our favorite Mexican place. 

We all had a fun time!  They make us smile and laugh!

Far Side

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Booster reactions

Both of our arms were really sore! 

After the covid booster Far Guy felt like he had been hit by a truck, he had the chills, headache and body aches.

As per my normal reaction...a fever and fatigue.  I slept all night Friday and most of Saturday.  I was somewhat achy...but again that is normal for me.  

Between the two of us we managed a trip to the transfer station to get rid of our garbage and together we managed supper...which was pretty easy we just warmed up leftovers in the fridge. 

Far Guy woodcarved outside for awhile.  I managed to paint a few Christmas ornaments.  

Our old place on the lake....we lived there nine years (1986-1995).  That is the boathouse that is directly on the lake. 
Far Side

Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Wildlife

Yes we live a wildlife. 

Picking tomatoes every day and sharing them with others. 

  Painting the Christmas ornaments, Far Guys says there are 109 ornaments.  

We got our Covid Boosters Friday afternoon  So far so good...but as I write this it has just been five hours. So who knows. 

We went for a Ranger Blue ride the other night.  My hip is not as sore as it was so we got to have a longer ride.   I still have some pain, but I am doing the exercises and the whirlpool and heated rice bags.   I hope PT can fit me in their schedule next week...I am on the call list. 

More Doctor appointments have been scheduled...seems like it never ends. 

Far Guy got a call from his Doctors office warning him of an increase in covid hospital admissions, the covid wards in Fargo, ND are open again.  They told him to isolate and stay out of crowds.  We are practically hermits already. 

A fawn with fading spots.  The fawns are slowly turning a darker color.  Their Mama is really dark.

A Grouse on the back road...she is living right behind our except for the Fox that is a frequent visitor.  Sure hope there is more than one Grouse...we have not seen one in this area for a long time. 

Such is our wildlife:)

Far Side

Friday, September 13, 2024

Baxter and Smudge

 Baxter turned four the end of August.   He still likes me...possibly because I have treats (Cheerios). 

Here is Baxter enjoying the pontoon ride one night this week.  My baby brother and his bride have a pontoon. 

Smudge can run faster than Baxter now.  Far Guy and I were at the end of the dock waiting...and they came running! 

It was a nice night to be out on the lake. 

It was getting close to sunset before we came off the lake.  When we docked Smudge took off ninety miles an hour...happy to be off the pontoon. 

Far Side

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 I have many things on my list for know all the things I should have tended to before they made the list!

I crossed a few off my list the other day..I returned some photos to one of my cousins and had a nice visit with her, I also dropped off photos my Mom had for the American Legion Auxiliary Historian.  I got the car washed...and had some of the eye tests that my eye doc wanted...I still have one more test next week.

Far Guy finished carving this years Christmas Ornament, I did the final quality control check and they are all set to paint.  

I am researching ideas for this years Christmas card.  I may have to audition a few of the designs I found. 

My lawn mowing is done for now, we have hot dry weather and the grass is starting to turn brown.   I finished up next door on had been two weeks or more since I was there. 

and along the back road...

Far Side

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Book Club: September

 We read The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom.

I liked the book as did the other ladies in the book club.  I give it a 9 plus...not a perfect 10.   It is another historical fiction read.  

What have you read lately?  Anything good that you care to recommend? 

I still order books from Thrift Books...I still like to hold a book in my hand even though I have many books on my Kindle.   I usually pass the books along after I have read them or donate them.

Far Side

Monday, September 9, 2024

OH the places i mow

 Oh the places I mow.  Isn't there a Dr Seuss book called Oh the places you'll go

I have a phone, riding mower, bright red boots and many places to mow. 

Where will I mow next? Eeny meeny miny moe...which way should I go?


My mower is a bit dusty and sometimes so am I.

Mowing under the bright blue sky.

I can stop here for a chat.

What's better than that?

I can fill with gas here so my mower will go.

Oh the places I mow.

I am not far from home, if Far Guy is out woodcarving he can tell exactly where I am at. 

 I have not seen the bear...just lots of Fox scat. 

Far not a poet...just a lawn mowing goddess

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Wedding Shower

 Friday evening was my other baby brothers oldest granddaughter's wedding shower.  She will be getting married in October.  

Hailey is my great niece. 

Jen and Andy helped with the construction and design for the recipe box.  I copied some of my favorite chicken recipes for Hailey and included a dish towel and a scrubby.  Hailey has raised chickens throughout her high school and college years!

It was a nice evening out, the food was perfect and the bride to be got many nice gifts! 

Hailey had a pretty hat hanging up in the room....little girls were admiring it! 

Vivian another of my great nieces tried it on! 

Far Side

Saturday, September 7, 2024

End of a busy week

 Yesterday we both had appointments for our annual dermatology exam.  Far Guy did great and I had two small surgeries.  Suspicious spots; one on my cheek and one on my shoulder. The numbing up is the worst part.  Both spots will be biopsied.   

Check something else off our list! 

Last week we had five medical appointments...this next week only two...practically a week off.  

No big plans for the weekend, catching up on mowing and perhaps making some chili. 

Far Side

Friday, September 6, 2024

Cautiously optimistic

Wednesday as I made my follow up appointments at the Clinic an opening was available for a Physical Therapy consult just prior to Far Guy's weekly Thursday Infusion appointment.   So I took the appointment. 

Good News!!  The Therapist is 99% sure that he can totally relieve my pain.  After seeing my x rays he believes that it is my sacroiliac joint on the left side that is the problem...possibly stemming from an injury on June 29 1980 when I broke four bones in my leg and totally dislocated my ankle.  I was unable to have corrective surgery due to a blood infection.  I spent a very long time ( 6 months) in various casts and had to learn how to walk all over again. ( The Doctors all said I would only walk about 10 years back then...see they don't know everything!)

The Therapist explained that my sacroiliac joint is angry and the large muscles have it locked in a painful doubt inflamed with the RA that I have.  He massaged my back and leg...used some cups to increase the blood flow and found all the pressure points that are causing me pain.  He is convinced it is all muscle not nerve.  So I will see him again when they have a cancellation or in October which ever comes first.  In the meantime I have a few new exercises to do, and he said the hot rice bag should be continued along with my nightly whirlpool soaks. 

So at least we have a plan.  I may not need the fancy expensive RA meds at all.  That is really good news!! 

It is very different walking with no pain...strange in fact.  I might get used to it!

So I am cautiously day at a time. 

Far Side

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ok not fine

 The Orthopedic consult happened yesterday...he thinks my hips, knees and ankles are just fine.  "It must be a problem with your back...sciatica maybe...I don't do backs...I will send you for more X rays and for a Physical Therapy consult.  You should really take 2,000 units of Vitamin D a day it might make a difference.  You can see the PA in our Department maybe he can steer you the right way."  

And how long have I been complaining of this pain...about 2 1/2 years...maybe longer...I have been to PT previously and I do the exercises they recommended at that time. 

On other high notes...I am still in limbo with the Rheumatology second opinion at a different clinic (we will call you in 3-4 weeks to set up an appointment)and the latest arthritis med that my Rheumatologist ordered must be lost in the insurance pipeline someplace.  OK not so fine.

What ever.  I was so NOT impressed with the Dr I saw yesterday....even if I required surgery...I would limp off into the sunset. 

I take part of a THC Sativa is supposed to make me more energenic and have less just makes me sleepy.  The THC Indica Gummy seems to help more with my pain and of course makes me sleepy too. I have not tried the ones with THC, CBD and CBN  ...yet...of course if I can get comfortable and get to sleep I have no pain. 

We had one day of no wildfire smoke and now we have it again.  Far Guy is staying mostly inside.  

Flowers in the wild gardens.

Far Side

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sunset, a wash and a visit

 Sunset was fairly orange on Monday night, lots of particulate in the air.  

I took this photo on the way over to my baby brothers to visit  Baxter and Smudge...I had not seen them in about a week.  They love me...cause I have Cheerios for treats! Smudge grew a bit and she knows sit and down now...I think she is a smart little dog.  

On Tuesday morning Far Guy took all the extra hoses out and we washed the house.  In accordance with our 10 year warranty on the exterior finish on the must be washed once a year in late Summer.  This blog serves as a record of the washings. 

Check it off the list.

It was a very warm day...but between both of us we got it we cleaned up the air conditioner part that sits outside.   Check something else off our list.  I was tired...Far Guy lured me into taking a ride into town for a visit and lupper at A & W.

We had a very enjoyable visit with Far Guy's cousins Bonnie, Wayne and Scott! 

Fra Side