Monday, September 30, 2024

Sad News and Good News

 Last week was a week.  It began with my cousin Diane who lived in Alaska her Memorial Service was live on Facebook.   She was 68 years old. She died after heart bypass surgery.  Her Mother and my Mother were sisters. 

This past Saturday was my second cousin Patsy's funeral, she died from a tick bite that went to a bacterial infection and then septic...she was three months younger than me...her  Father and My Grandfather were brothers.  She spent the entire summer on hospice. I sent a card I did not attend the funeral.

Then Little Elvis died on Friday...that hit me hard.  He and I had a special connection. He loved me unconditionally. 

Friday was also a bit of good news, my second biopsy came back with clear edges!  Thank goodness I don't have to have more surgery on my face!   AND all of my eye tests came back okay, the Doc says my eyes show normal aging.  I also learned that I have an appointment with a different Rheumatologist...but not until April of 2025...this is after waiting two months for a referral and being accepted by their Rheumatology Department.  I am doing my PT exercises and I believe it is making a difference...I have PT appointments starting October 10th. My stitches in my face come out on Thursday this week. It is a medical appointment week ...we have six is what we do. 

So the good news outweighs the bad I am not on hospice, I am not dead, I don't have to have more surgery on my face, I can see reasonably well and we can make it by ourselves to appointments...and we still have some dogs to love...Sadie, Baxter and Smudge.  

Far Side


  1. I'm SO happy you no longer need surgery on your face! And that you still are getting some valuable, puppy love! Nothing better for a healing body and heart!
    I am SO sorry for all your losses, sweet friend...
    Big warm hug

  2. When life is consumed by doctor's appointments, it is difficult and I understand that.

    What a round of tragedies in your week. I sure hope this new week is much better in the news department.

    I am glad there was some good news to appreciate. Hugs!

  3. Glad to hear the good news about the facial surgery. And it does sound like an especially hard week to get through. I'm so glad you are doing so well!

  4. I'm so sorry for your losses-you've had a hard week. Glad that your biopsies came back with good results and that your eye tests were good!

  5. My heart hurts for the voids left in your heart this week! I do love your outlook though. It truly is how we need to view life - - the good stuff - - - and thankfulness for the good memories of those who have been with us for their years on Earth. I am praising God with you for the great biopsy report and also that you are disciplined about the PT exercises. That appt with the therapist seemed so far in the future and now is just a little over a week away!!!

  6. So you have some good and some bad. It's difficult when you lose a number of relatives about the same time.

  7. You had a rough time of it. I'm sorry. Yes, the good news matters. Congrats on your biopsy result, such a relief.

  8. I always say to myself (and Terry) when things start to over-whelm "look for the good so more good can follow". Somedays it's hard, but you did it. You are right. Now on for more good!

  9. So sorry for all of your losses, some times sadness seems to come in waves!
    I am happy for your good reports, having had surgery on my nose for cancer and dealing with eye site problems I can empathize, praying for continued healing and continued good reports.
    Tick bites are serious indeed, I have had to deal with Lyme disease three times, it left lasting affects on my health.
    I love your positive outlook!

  10. That post was indeed sad and happy. Isn't God great that in the midst of heartache, He sends us blessing of joy. Hugs.

  11. Bless your heart....what a week for you. So very sorry for the losses in your family and for the loss of Little Elvis. Thankful that your biopsy has come back good...I know this is a big relief for you. I'm not sure what it is with Rheumatologist...Maybe soooo many people have inflammation and arthritis. I had to wait about 7 months to finally get in to see mine. He has helped me tremendously. Hope you have a much better week. Sending you hugs for the week.

  12. That's a lot to hit you all at once! At least you got some good news on the health front!

  13. Oh my goodness, that's a lot of sad, and also a lot of good. But it's all a LOT for one week! I'm so sorry about your cousins and of course about Elvis. Hugs.

  14. That was a week, for sure. :-(
    Sometimes we just need to do what you did, add up the score, good and bad, and be grateful when the good wins.

  15. What a week, but glad you are looking on the bright side of things. Always remember that time passes, and before you know it you will be attending that rheumatology appointment.
    Take care, Mxx

  16. More and more of our people are passing. I’ve lost several friends….Irene and Mary…they were ready to go on, but I wasn’t ready to see them go. Guess we’re the ones always holding em here.

    I hope something especially pleading comes your way today and you have less pain in your bones too.

  17. I'm glad there was at least some good news amid all the sadness that last week brought. Hopefully things go better this week!

  18. Sadness and happiness are part of everyone's life all we can do is hope for more happiness over sadness

  19. It certainly was a week of ups and downs. I am so sorry for the losses of your family members, including Little Elvis. I am so glad to hear that you do not require more surgery. The wait for medical appointments is getting longer and longer. Take care this week.


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