Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Wild Life

 Nothing much new here.  Far Guy worked on woodcarving Christmas ornaments yesterday.  I mowed lawn for a couple of hours....not quite done yet but I got side tracked killing ants.  Tomorrow is another day.   It got warm enough yesterday that we finally put the air conditioning on. 

The paint for the Christmas ornaments has been gathered. All very metallic looking paints.  I can still paint ornaments...but the woodcarving is very painful for my fingers and wrists. 

Far Guy was outside sitting on the patio when two fawns wandered into the yard, they walked closer and closer to him, when he spoke to them their Mama came running out of the woods.  His phone was inside but he said the photo would have been awesome. 

We both got to see a Red Fox run into the yard and attempt to catch a squirrel dinner. 

Far Side 


  1. Stranger danger! :) I'm smiling at the thought of the fawns coming close to Far Guy.
    The squirrel was lucky to get away.

  2. Same old, same old. However I would be excited to see two fawns in my yard and a fox chase a squirrel. That would be enough action for me.

  3. I'm picturing those fawns approaching cautiously - and mama coming to warn them off. We had twin fawns pass through the yard about 10 days ago. And yesterday I saw twins with a mama about a mile from our house as I was coming home.

  4. I love how you and I get to have wildlife in our lives

  5. The fawns must have made FG's day! I've had turkeys and their babies in the yard on and off. Lots of little ones.

  6. I just realized I haven't seen a squirrel, except for a lone (obviously quite lost) one that climbed up the screen on my patio a few years ago, since I moved to a newer apartment in Fargo 20 years ago. There still aren't enough trees where I live now, either. Even though the formerly newly planted trees have grown since I moved here over nine years ago, they are too far apart just like the last place. I would love to see a squirrel, let alone deer or a fox. I can still get ants, though--lol! I really miss the partridges and all the birds. :)

  7. If only the foxes in our yard would attempt to catch a squirrel...

  8. Love the image of the fawns approaching FG and the mama warning them. Apparently, moms are the same in every species.

  9. Your example of "wild life" is great.
    You are living it up in a gentle way.

  10. Making the Christmas ornaments sounds fun. Would love to see them when you all finish them. How neat to see a red fox. There are so many superstitions about seeing a red fox. I'm not superstitious but it is fun to read about some of the things.....I'll stick with seeing a red fox brings good luck. LOL... so neat to have the fawns come near by.

  11. I think our deerflies are to awful for the fawns to appear here. What a blessing your you!

  12. The first law of photography - you'll never have a camera or phone on you when the shot of a lifetime presents itself to you. It's fascinating watching wildlife, be it birds, squirrels or even chipmunks.

  13. Our cameras have picked up deer hanging out by our cars at night. I am not sure what is drawing them there.

  14. What is a boot? Gooogel Knows...

    It is a rubber thing connecting the axle to the wheel...

    The CV joint itself basically keeps your axle from breaking every time you hit a bump, and keeps your wheels aligned and turning. There are actually two of them on an axle: one at the transmission and one at the wheel. They allow for all types of movement and any odd angles required as you pass over the road, and as such, the joint must remain very well-lubricated. The boot is a small rubber encasement that covers the joint and keeps grease packed inside.
    Fleta, Patsy"s other sister

  15. What a thrilling experience having those fawns wander closer and closer to Far Guy!!

  16. when I hear you talking about your Christmas ornaments, I get nervous. Is it that time again already? So sorry to hear about how much your hands hurt. Sure hope they can find something to help you. I'm praying for that!

  17. You guys do live a 'wild' life.

    Saturday while driving to my favorite place to watch a sunrise, I counted 15 deer on the road or on the side of the road. Wayyyy too many deer!
    I've noticed more twins in the past few years than ever before.

    Ohhh, I love the metallic colored paints!

  18. I have the cute bunnies on the run in my backyard. The adult isn't scared of me and the bunnies have no sense of fear of anything. The foxes will be back soon.


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