Saturday, May 4, 2024

Book Club: May

We read and discussed Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan. 

I enjoyed the bee keeping aspect of the novel, the rest of it was just okay, I give it a six out of ten stars. 

Although the book is not about Mad Honey itself.  I was curious about it. 

 A plant by the name of Rhododendron ponticum grows in Nepal and Turkey. The bees gather the nectar from the Rhododendron flowers, the flowers contain a neurotoxin called grayanotoxin that is transferred to the hive and the honey. The honey can be toxic or hallucinogenic depending on the amount ingested. It was most likely the first biological weapon, the Persians left it behind for the Roman army waited a bit and then slaughtered them because they were too sick to fight back. 

Who knew?  You can legally purchase it in the United States...I saw it for sale on Amazon.  

Far Side


  1. How interesting about the rhododendron honey! I had no idea. Thank you for that.
    These rhododendrons are a real menace in Britain. They have naturalised enthusiastically all over the countryside, and where they grow nothing else will. I have been on volunteer days helping to dig it up so that native plants will have a chance to grow.
    I hope Far Guy is doing better?

  2. This is new to me. I think I will pass on buying any!

  3. Now THAT was interesting. Who knew indeed? Crazy times back then.

  4. How interesting - I had never heard of Mad Honey.

  5. You got off the trail and found something else. I've never heard of Mad Honey.

  6. I am just amazed at what all I learn through my blogger buddies. Something new every day.

  7. We read the book in book club too, and I quite enjoyed the story line. However, I hadn't realized there was a product called Mad Honey. You've taught me something - don't just take the title of the book for granted.

  8. Wow. What a thing to do.

  9. Wow, learned something knew. Mad honey. I might put some out for that coon that harasses me! lol Galla Creek

  10. All new to me, and quite interesting.

  11. That is interesting. I have read quite a few of Jodi Picoult's books and have one started now. This time of year it takes me some time getting through any book.

  12. OMGosh! I never heard of that!
    Was actually a clever way to deal with the Romans, I guess--lol! Goodness!

  13. Amazing...I've never heard of it and you can buy it on Amazon? What a crazy world we live in.


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