Sunday, May 5, 2024

3 out of 7 isn't bad

 Out of the last seven days we have been at the clinic's, ER and hospital four days.  One day we did a clinic and the hospital, one day we did a clinic and the ER for blood work because his heart rate was high and his blood pressure was really low and he was dizzy, one day was Infusion and an Echo, one day was in the hospital. So three days we got to be at home...Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday were the free days.  It could have been worse.  ( His Echo was good!) His hospital Doctor stopped by the ER  to tell him that good news. 

Next week I know he has appointments for two we will see what happens next...always an adventure. 

I am mostly done with the big sort upstairs.  Big sigh of relief...I have some organizing to do up there and some putting away, dusting and cleaning.  I have "stuff" for my siblings to pick up.  Progress has been slow but the rainy days helped...not much to do outside yet. 

My new stove is still not hooked up...I need an HVAC guy to hook up the downdraft fan...the duct work will be different from my last Jenn-air.  We have not used the stove, it still sits where the delivery people set it... JUST in case the stove has to be returned.  I have called the HVAC guy twice....the last time I left a message saying if you cannot come let me know.  We are making do with the crock pot, air fryer and the microwave.  Last night we went to town for was prom night so lots of good looking kids eating in the same place. 

A photo of the clouds one day coming home from town. 

I took photos of two lost dogs, one of the dogs was listed on facebook as missing...apparently they are runners.  One was quite fierce, the other friendly with one blue eye and one brown eye.  Someone isn't taking very good care of their dogs...just saying. 

Far Side


  1. Oh geeze. It sounds like a very up and down week that must be maddening for the both of you.

    Oh. As far as dogs? Wow we hear the same around here with dogs running away, running loose, and getting lost.
    So many folks move to the country so their dogs can have more 'room to run'. It doesn't always end well.

    I could go on and on, but I won't.

    I hope you have a much better week.

  2. Oh poor Far Guy! In my experience there’s nothing so exhausting as being in hospital having masses of tests. I hope he isn’t finding it all too trying.

    And in other matters, if the Furry Gnome is reading this today, I cannot comment on his blog these days no matter how hard I try. In fact, it seems this is the only blog where I can post a comment. It’s very sad because I have no way to contact lots of people anymore. I hope you don’t mind me using your comments this way.

  3. I do hope that the two appointments this week are the only ones. You had quite the week last week!

    Well done on the sort. You're quite right that some people don't care for the pets very well.

  4. We used to have a Jenn-Air. I had totally forgotten about it until you mentioned yours. It was in our first house and I remember we bought it used.

  5. I hope you get you new oven installed soon...after all that money you need to be able to enjoy it! I haven't seen any dogs this Spring but there used to be one male that would stop by every Spring to visit the girls but they were fixed so her never stayed long! LOL!

  6. Let us hope this week the two appointments will be all there is.

  7. That was a lot of visit at a lot of places. It’s exhausting. The nursing home will be taking my wife to her visits but I will definitely meet them there. I will keep asking the question at every doctor visit as to why did you dismiss her from the hospital prematurely.? LD

  8. It sounds like FG is getting good care. That's what counts.

  9. I hope this week's appointments go well and there are no surprises.
    Not good to have dogs or cats running loose in my book.
    I can't believe you are almost done with all that sorting already! Wow! Kudos to you! :)

  10. You have got to be more than frustrated waiting for that store to be hooked up! Do you have someone else you can call other than the person you have contacted?
    It drives us a little crazy when the medical world decides our social calendar, too. Thankful he has places to go to get answers or correction of issues.

  11. I hope you get your new stove working and any problems ironed out.

  12. Thankful that you all did have the 3 days at home. This sounds similar to my brother's past month. He was in the hospital 2 weeks of the month and the other days he was home sick or at the ER or Doctor's office.
    Hopefully the guy will contact you and at least let you know if he is able to come or not....fingers crossed that he makes it there soon and you can cook on your new stove..

  13. I feel there are times when we feel we are always at some kind of appointment, running around here are there

  14. Dogs like children require attention. And like children some are neglected.

  15. You have such a wonderful, positive attitude. It's nice to hear from someone who doesn't let medical issues rule their lives. I hope Far Guy feels better soon and you both get to spend more time on the things you enjoy.

  16. “Dreamer” here. It’s been far too long since I’ve stopped by. So sorry to read about both of your medical issues. Ah, aging is so much fun - not necessarily!! I adored your Mayday baskets - so cute despite paper scraps you end up with! For me, lately, it’s all about fabric scraps! We loved our quick trip through the “northern” states a few years ago. It’s gorgeous! I am not sure I could “do” winter, but that makes every sign of spring that more precious. I’m going to try to be better at blogging, and hope to get my settings correct so I can reply as someone other than anonymous! Take care from

  17. Hoping and praying for more HOME time and less doctor time! Boy this stove vent is turning into a saga. Why not just return your call either way?
    Isn't it fun to see the kids all dressed up!

  18. I don't know how some trades people stay in business with their poor service.

  19. I am also glad to hear FG is getting good doctoring. Along with your ministrations, he is going to get better and better. I hope anyway.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie