Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Big Sort

 It was raining on Monday, so....I began the big sort.  Many totes full of "stuff" were brought upstairs after my Mom died.   Lets just say I have a rather large mess up there...Far Guy refuses to go upstairs. 

Rainy days and evenings will be time to sort.  I will eventually get done...I hope. 

My baby brother brought me three more totes yesterday, one tote had...greeting cards and a small box with some of my Fathers an old money in it...a leather belt that has seen better days...a Japanese or Korean book of maps....his drivers license ( I shredded it)...a razor, hearing aids and glasses. 

Not sure what is in the other totes as I didn't get to them yet.  Have to leave those surprises for another rainy day or evening project. 

I know the Lions take glasses...I heard they take hearing aids too!

Six pair...I wonder if that is all I will find?  I tried them on..and no I cannot see through them..he had two real fancy pairs of prescription sunglasses.

Just thankful I didn't get the totes with fabric in them my baby brother has stacks of them in his all season craft/gathering room. 

Far Guy had a pretty good day, we got the bird feeders filled, a Pileated Woodpecker was in the yard and I am sure he will be back for suet.  It was nice to sit out in the sunshine!  The high temperature was 55 F or 13 C eh!

Far Side


  1. Isn’t it amazing how many pairs of glasses we accumulate over our lifetime. I got my first pair when I was 10. That’s over 50 years worth of glasses. Plus sunglasses of course. At least there are charities we can donate to.

    It was 20 degrees C on Saturday, very hot and sunny, with barbecues right left and centre. Yesterday/last night it snowed. That’s Switzerland for you.

  2. Nice! I do know that most of the eye glass places take old glasses for recycling or getting them to someone who needs them.

    We have two pairs of Pileated Woodpeckers in the surrounding forest and they are noisy but fun to see. They are huge!

  3. When my dad died and I inherited his glasses, I found that I could see quite well through them. Glad to hear you're getting some nice rainy weather.

  4. Sorting through the totes will be a real treasure hunt. I'm sure there are lots of memories in there too.

  5. Good luck on the sorting. I still have things to go through. It's really good to read FG is doing so well.

  6. It took me nearly five years to get through all of my mom's totes and other things. It was hard to not get caught up in nostalgia and stalling out the sorting process. Other times I just wasn't in the right frame of mine. But eventually I got through them all and felt like I did her justice by not rushing and making rash decisions.

  7. So many treasures and memories!!

  8. I have been trying to go through my own stuff - - - bit by bit. I am using the mindset that I know what my girls will do with most of it if I don't find good homes or the trash first. They say if there are special things - - like some cards - - but you don't want to hang on "things" - - you can take pictures and make a small album. It seems to be a never-ending process for sure. Many of us are not and have not been minimalists - - - but we obviously had diversified interests and hobbies and enjoyed the days given to us.

  9. Oh my - that is going to be a BIG job isn't it? There are still a couple of totes from my parents' house, but they hold the things I kept after doing the sorting. At some point I probably need to do another sort, and pare it down even further. My girls are both terrified of having to deal with all my "stuff" someday. LOL

  10. I thing we will all leave many totes behind and some of those totes will contain surprising item. You have a big job ahead of you.

  11. Rainy days are great for these kinds of things....I still have some boxes to go through of my dads, who passed away in 2017. I keep thinking I will get to it, but other things always come up. Some day! I love seeing the pileated woodpeckers. I think they are such interesting birds. good luck on sorting the totes.

  12. Accumulating stuff is a side effect of living, isn't it. Memories in said stuff can be hard to let go of. My husband and I purge stuff every couple of years- we don't want to leave much behind when we leave this world.
    One tote at a time, you'll get 'r done!

  13. IT took me a long time to go through Momma's things. I would start, get lots done, then get sad over all the memories. Have to wait awhile then start again.

  14. That is a task that will take a good long time. Probably should. So many memories.
    I have been purging, as you know. I even had my old pale blue plastic cat glasses I wore in high school! I'm glad there's a ton of stuff Dagan and Leah won't have to go through. ;)
    It is 66 degrees at noon here in Fargo today! Wow!

  15. This sorting is a hard job. Hope you can get through it.

  16. So many pairs of classes, reading this took me back to when we sorted out my parents house after Mum died so much stuff to go through

  17. I'm envious of you having a pileated woodpecker coming to your suet!
    I don't envy the job of sorting through your parents 'stuff'. It's a big job.

  18. We had just drywalled our laundry room to be when my mother died. I used it as a storage room for all the boxes. I had to be in the mood. I would grab boxes three at a time and try to pare down to two boxes. I had two boxes of old stained aprons from my mom and gramma that I couldn't part with for a few years. I had to go through everything - as I went through a box of recipes torn from magazines and coupons that expired in the 70's and 80's - I found a tintype photo of my grandfather - age 1. It is a hard job and you have to do it at your own speed. And take time to mourn. I know I assign too many feelings to inanimate objects. And I don't care (hugs).

  19. Sounds like things are going well for you two. Glad you got a bit of sorting done. and glad far guy is feeling a little better. I love those pileated woodpeckers. Hope you see him again!

  20. That's a huge job for you. The memories would catch me unaware when I did my Mom's things. It was usually a silly object or card that would bring a memory that would actually take my breath away. After 34 years and a lot of tears I've finally got everything down to just a few items.
    I'm so glad that Far Guy is still improving. You can't keep a good guy down.

  21. I don't envy's a tough job. Glad you're getting some sunshine and glad Far Guy is feeling better.


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