Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Book Club April

 The book we read for the April bookclub was How The Word Is Passed by Clint Smith.

I gave it a 2 barely...it reads like a text book and the author is real wordy either that or he had a lazy editor. 

The book club girls were split some liked it and some did not.  

I hope that next months read is not dull and dreary. 

Far Guy is doing pretty good, knock on wood I think he is 3/4 of the way around the corner. I still  have an eye on him.

Far Side


  1. I won’t try the book, but I read the Hatchet. Laura brought it to me from school. It was simple but I really enjoyed it and may look for more Newberry award winning books to try.

  2. I've discovered after being a long time fan of non-fiction, that many of the books like that one are PHD dissertations that get published. They aren't really meant for the reading public. They are dry and "dull and dreary" like you said.
    So glad Far Guy is getting better and at least you can rest one eye!

  3. Well, that's a book I can easily skip. And so glad to hear FG is doing so well. That eye of yours is essential!

  4. I used to force myself to finish any book I started reading, but now I have no reservations about setting aside something that is dull or dreary. Kudos to you for sticking with it however. Hope your next read is a 10.

  5. I am listening to one right now entitled "Surprised by Oxford" by Susan Weber. She is very intelligent and does not write "conversationally" so it is not as entertaining as I like but the content is excellent thus far. It is about her growing up with a bit of religion rather than a relationship with Jesus. She is studying literature and is coming to the realization that there is more to experience spiritually than she has in her past. I think it's a very well written book with great information and also thought-provoking for some - - but I can only take it in smaller doses at a time.
    My ears alternate back and forth between it and "Best of Bryson City Tales" by Walt Larimore, M.D. which is an easy read. it is a biography of his time there. It is written in a humorous and entertaining way. I had read the series of books before but not this one.
    I have always been an avid reader with a book in my hand but find now that I listen on my phone which is in my pocket while doing housework. I use "paper" books for studying.
    P.S. Glad to hear FG is requiring a bit less attention. Praying he continues to improve and thankful he has fought to get where he is - - with your excellent care.. He is one tough cookie.

  6. Oh---thanks! I hate dull and dreary!!!

  7. First of all, I'm so, so glad that Far Guy is improving so much. Second of all, like Sara, I used to force myself to finish books I started but I figure I'm getting old so don't have a ton to time to waste on books I'm not enjoying. :-) There are plenty I like to read. I do understand it's different when you're in a book club. You almost HAVE to read those. Ha!

  8. I see that this is a work of non fiction about the history of slavery. If one needs to know more about that topic, this might be the book for you. It has lots of awards. However, if you know all you need to know about slavery, then it isn't.
    Good new about FG.

  9. Doesn't sound like a very interesting book

  10. Thank you for your thoughts on this book. I will pass on this one. It is great that the book club can be so honest about how they really feel about the reads. I like this! I know it was probably disappointing for the book of the month to be a let down. 3/4 of the way to feeling Good sounds much better for him. I know you all are so very thankful....In no time at all....he will be back to his normal self.

  11. When books are non-fiction they can tend to be more dry and fact filled. Glad your book clubbers can be honest about the books you guys read.
    Good to hear FarGuy keeps improving. Hurray! :)

  12. So glad to hear about far guy. Sorry about the book. Bet you're happy to be home again as Spring starts up!


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