Monday, April 29, 2024

Paper mess

 I have taken over the dining room table with my May Basket project.  It is a real putzy project. 

We had a quiet day, Far Guy had two naps.  I made scalloped potatoes to take over to my baby brothers, he was smoking a cooked for 14 hours and then 2 hours resting. It was delicious!  We also had veggies and gluten free banana bread to go with ice cream with a chokecherry syrup topping! 

It rained in the afternoon and evening and I did a little laundry besides making the paper mess.

Can you guess which animal will be featured on my May Basket this year?

Far Side


  1. That certainly is a job! I have a few bins of photos I'm also trying to get to who they need to get
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. The grey makes me think of coon, but the cloud form makes me think of sheep. I had not heard of May baskets till moving to the midwest. Your's have been so creative & cute the years I've been reading your blog.

  3. Sheep?

    Looks like you have quite the project going on!

  4. Chokeberry syrup sounds interesting. It's not a fruit/berry I am famaliar with.

  5. A lamb perhaps?

    Your meal sounds absolutely delicious. I've never actually eaten brisket. Yes, I know my life is lacking in many ways.

  6. A chicken? It has been raining here for days on and off so we don't have fire danger either which is so good! I didn't craft all weekend and I've been really tired so I rested all weekend and feel great today! I can't wait to see your May baskets!

  7. My guess is black sheep, but I may be projecting on myself, LOL

  8. I have no idea what your animal is! That meal sounds absolutely wonderful. I have 2 briskets in the freezer. Maybe I need to drag out the smoker.

  9. That was my first guess, too--a black sheep.
    I'm not even sure if I have ever eaten brisket. Sounds delicious, though. :)

  10. Ba ba Black Sheep. have you any wool? That's my guess, and it seems to be a popular one.

  11. I'd guess a unicorn to go with those grey clouds. Pokeberry syrup sounds delicius.

  12. I'd say those "clouds" are the beginning of sheep? 🐑🐑🐑

  13. The meal sounds delicious..... I am thinking maybe a sheep? Will be checking to see the answer

  14. I can't really guess which animal you're featuring this year. You always come up with the best ideas for your May Baskets. Can't wait to see!

  15. I can't believe I missed out on being able to guess sheep :-o. I love your May baskets each year. This one was extra special :-D.


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