Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Well now the diagnosis is sepsis and pneumonia.  They are bombarding him with broad spectrum antibiotics and steroids.  He is breathing okay as long as he doesn't move. Once he moves from the chair to the hospital bed his oxygen saturation level drops.  He has a long way to go to get better. 

Your prayers are appreciated. 

Far Side


  1. Oh no. Poor Far Guy. I was hoping for better news today. As, I am sure, were you. Sending you both very best wishes. Georgina x

  2. He has my prayers! Sepsis is serious business.

  3. Oh my, so much to deal with! Prayers of strength for all of you and healing for Far Guy!

  4. Will be praying all day - - for strength for everyone - - - especially him - - and for you all to feel a hug from God in some form. Your family is loved by many as we have gotten to know you over the years through your blog.

  5. You've got my prayers, for sure. I am also crossing my fingers as well. I wish there was something else I could do. :-(

  6. Oh no, that's terrible Connie. I'm glad he's in the hospital and getting the meds and care he needs. You definitely have our prayers my dear friend.
    Blessings and love,

  7. I am so sorry to read this Connie. Very worrisome! Can't help but wonder if the sepsis is related to infusions, or lack of. Sending healing thoughts, prayers and {hugs}

  8. All the best to you at this time and I hope everybody does their best to look after Far Guy.

  9. Prayers and prayers and more prayers!!!

  10. Prayers for you and your family.

  11. Oh no Connie! One more thing! Praying that those medications will start working and I will pray that the Doctors will be focused on the right procedures and treatment! Hope you can get some rest also!

  12. Prayers all the way from Denmark. Poor him, poor you!

  13. You have them and have had them. *hugs*

  14. Prayers from here to you and your Guy!

  15. I am so sorry, Connie. I wish you both the best.

  16. You have got all the good energy I can send to you and Far Guy. This is terrible news. How right you were to think he shouldn't have been discharged. Being right is no consolation. I am so very sorry.

  17. Oh, no. Well, I'm not a prayer person, but I am certainly holding him in my heart, and in my thoughts. And you, too.

  18. Sending up prayers....
    It has to be tough to see this happen and not be able to do anything- keep after those doctors!!!

  19. So sorry about Far Guy's new diagnosis. Sepsis is serious stuff. Keeping him, and you, in my prayers.

  20. Definitely praying for him. I sure hope that all these meds kick in and can get him over this. Lifting you up in prayer as well.

  21. Not the news I wanted to hear. Very deep prayers for both of you. (hugs)

  22. Surrounding you all with prayers!

  23. Lord have mercy. I'm so sorry to hear this. I will double my prayers for far guy. Hang in there Connie and family.

  24. Sending all the good healing vibes I can.


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