Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 Far Guy had a fairly good weekend; he rested, ate good food, took all his meds and breathing treatments.  We thought he had turned the corner and was getting better.

Monday morning he struggled to breathe.

The ambulance got him to the hospital, he was put on the bi-pap machine which forces air into your lungs.  He got two IV's, steroids, antibiotics and the usual blood work with many pokes (8) for one sample, x rays and a cat scan.

Pneumonia is the diagnosis and he is in the hospital.  People were stacked up like cordwood in the ER hallways on gurneys when he finally got a room.  I am not so sure about the Doctors there...I was not convinced that he should have been released last week when he was. They don't seem to understand about Alpha One either and the need for the infusions every week that protect his lungs from damage.  (If you are on Medicare you cannot receive the Infusion when you are in the hospital.) So he missed last weeks infusion...and his Dr could not assure us that he would be out for the one this Thursday either. 

Far Guy was breathing easier last night when I left.  

Far Side


  1. so sorry to hear about his latest challenge...prayers to you all

  2. I think you are right that he should not have been released so soon. So I am glad to know he is back in the hospital. Prayers and hope for better days ahead.

  3. I am so sorry for both of you, that sounds miserable.

  4. Oh dear, I do hope that he is able to get his infusion. It sounds ridiculous that one cannot get the treatment needed in the hospital.

    Thinking of both of you and hoping he recovers from the pneumonia soon.

  5. Oh no! Sadie looks worried too. I'm so sorry about Far Guy having to go through this. Why in the world won't Medicare pay for it? How ridiculous. Dennis is taking Mom to the doctor this morning because of her cough. He sounds just as bad so I called them this morning and asked them to squeeze him in at the same time. Nasty stuff is going around for sure.
    I'm praying for all of you my dear friend. Make sure to rest yourself too. Doggie kisses help a lot.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Oh, no. What a stupid thing for Medicare to do. What difference should it make? You are not getting any breathing time. I'm sorry.

  7. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. It's very strange that he can't get his infusion in the hospital. You would think they would want to do everything they could to protect him unless they can't combine the infusion with what they are giving him in the hospital. I will keep praying!

  8. Oh no! Sorry to hear Far Guy is back in the hospital. Hope he receives better care, with less pokes.

  9. That medicare rule about the infusion sounds like a stupid rule! Hope he continues to improve and shake off that stubborn pneumonia. My daughter (the RT) said her hospital has been very busy with various respiratory illnesses this past month. Lots of RSV and pneumonia, and Influenza A & B.

  10. What dreadful events! I’m very sorry you are dealing with this in your time of grief.

  11. I am livid that Medicare won't authorize the infusion. Just livid.
    Prayers that things improve. There are so many pneumonia cases here, too.

  12. I can’t begin to imagine how worried you must be. Sending prayers for FarGuy.

  13. Oh! My! Gosh! I wish there was something I could do. Sending prayers!!! Lots of them!

  14. You can tell there are people making rules at Medicare that have no medical knowledge whatsoever. Good grief! That makes no sense at all. I pray FarGuy gets his infusion and stays better. You were right. He came home too early. You and he know better than anyone, but insurance companies run the health system. *love and hugs*

  15. We were all hoping against setbacks. Keep on being an advocate for him, but be careful to take care of yourself too.

  16. Oh no this is not good, I hope he improves soon and yeah hospitals at times seem to kick patients out too soon

  17. I hope the health system gets their act together and that Far Guy receives the proper treatment.

  18. Hope he's ok. I can sympathize with breathing issues.

  19. My husband was in hospital in Switzerland recently. Twice. I had to call an ambulance because I couldn’t wake him up. He had to spend hours hooked up to a machine that forced oxygen into his lungs. Turns out he couldn’t get rid of the CO2 from his lungs and of course that can be fatal. They sent him home and then he had to go back in again. Normally we live in London so we were supposed to be on holiday.

    I agree with Sara, and probably everyone else. The Medicare rule about the infusion is just stupid. If Far Guy needs one once a week he needs one once a week wherever he is. I do hope Far Guy feels properly better very soon. And you too. How are you doing?

  20. Thank you so very, very much for the update but this hurts my heart for him! Thankful he was doing better last night and pray each and every day continues to see improvement - - hopefully with record speed. This has been a rough few weeks for your family.

  21. Wait. What? You cannot receive the life saving infusions while in a hospital. What stupid rule is that?

    Sorry, just blowing off steam because some of the rules for medications are just plain insane.
    I hear you. When hubby was in our local place they withheld his pain meds because they didn't think he really might need them.

    I'm so sorry this is happening.

  22. I agree that they should not have sent him home. I am so sorry it gets to be so complicated. His infusions are important and I know talking to doctors is so difficult. My double diabetics is so rare that my new doctor has to be reminded over and over again when she throws out directives. I don't think they know what to really do with it. Praying for Far Guy continually.

  23. In your time of grief, this happens. Sending you a virtual hug. Medicare rules make no sense whatsoever. What difference does it make where you get an infusion, especially one so necessary. Is there an advocacy group that can help you perhaps find a way around this rule? It's outrageous you should have to use your strength and endurance to fight insurance battles.

  24. I'm continuing to keep Far Guy in my prayers, That the Lord will bless him with healing. Take care of yourself, Connie, praying also for you.

  25. So sorry to hear that far guy has gone back into the hospital. and he can't have his infusion treatments unless he is out of the hospital. Oh my gosh. what a royal pain for him and for you. I am praying for his health to turn around soon so he can get back out. Pretty scary stuff when you're not sure if your doctors know what they're doing. Praying!

  26. Hopefully Far Guy gets better in spite of stupid rules.

  27. It's infuriating that he can't receive life saving treatment while he's in the hospital. We ran into the same thing when Bruce was hospitalized, he couldn't have the scheduled MRI and then we had to reschedule it and wait weeks to get another appointment.


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