Friday, March 22, 2024

Another Thursday

 Thursday is Infusion Day, only two pokes this week.  We went out for late lunch after the appointment.  That way we don't have to cook supper! We both had eggs. 

We both had an afternoon nap.  My Doctor put me on an antibiotic because he said that 23 days with a cough was too much and I needed help getting over it.  

Far Guy is making progress, he even read two books!  He is getting stronger everyday.  Knock on wood.

Far Side


  1. I agree, so many days coughing must be miserable!

    I hope you both get to feeling much better very soon.

  2. Thankful that you started on a round of antibiotics. Coughs can linger so long and aside from the cough itself, your body gets exhausted and run down. Happy that Far Guy is improving as my prayers continue for him. Gorgeous photo of these small pink and yellow blooms.

  3. Wonderful news! Gorgeous flowers. Wow.

  4. I started taking some antibiotics when we got home. That seemed to help getting rid of the cough.

  5. Small forward steps - good for both of you!

  6. Lunch out is a huge improvement in energy for Far Guy. Even though it's slow, it sounds like improvement is happening. I'm also glad you got an antibiotic. Sometimes you just need a little boost.

  7. That is way to long to keep coughing! Good News about Far Guy

  8. That's good news about Far Guy. Glad your doctor gave you something for that cough... I hope it works quickly for you. Have a great weekend!

  9. Sadly we get to a point where the main issue of the day is health. So keep on with the good fight.

  10. It all sounds very positive. Still sending good healing vibes to you both.

  11. Beautiful flowers.

    Glad things are looking up!

  12. PRAISING GOD for this great report!!!! FG went from being very close to "the brink" back to almost normal. This is phenomenal news. Praying your antibiotic gets you feeling well quickly, also.

  13. Good news, keep on keeping on!!

  14. Pleased to hear he is doing better even if he still has a ways to go

  15. I am glad you are getting medical attention. Good news about FG.

  16. Lunch and an afternoon nap sounds like a great idea. Have a pleasant Saturday.

  17. So glad you guys are doing better. Hope you get over your cough very soon. It's fun to eat a meal out once in a while.

  18. I hope you both keep getting better and better.
    Spring is around the corner. Snowstorm expected this weekend. If they are correct it may be a considerable amount of snow this time. I'm probably the only one happy about it--lol! I haven't liked this brown winter.
    Keep napping and resting up. :)

  19. Glad the doc put you on antibiotics and also glad Far Guy is getting his infusions and feeling better. Those flowers are gorgeous...what kind are they? I'd like to get some for my yard.

  20. My wife's minor stomach problem ended up into severe problems. She has turned around now but eating very little. which is better than not eating at all. It has been over a week and no sleepless nights anymore. I am glad you both are getting a little bit better.


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