Wednesday, February 7, 2024


 Hospice Nurses and Aides are marvelous people.  They are taking good care of my Mom as she transitions from this life to the next. 

My Mom loved Purple Coneflowers.  This is a photo of some of her flowers a few years ago. 

Far Side


  1. I'm so sorry to hear your mom is not doing well. Hospice care is a blessing. My prayers that she slips away peacefully when she's ready.

  2. I am sorry about your Mom’s condition. We are never ready to lose one we love.

  3. I love those flowers, also. Such a beautiful bouquet to represent her. Your family has done a wonderful job of helping her be as happy and comfortable as possible where she is living. I agree that Hospice people are marvelous. Praying for you all during this time.

  4. My mom loved coneflowers as well, they are such a pretty flower.

    Thinking of you and your mom. It's good to hear that the staff are good people. Their support and caring is so important.

  5. Hospice was a godsend during the last month of my mom's life. It was my first experience with them but it moved me so much, that when my time comes, I've told my wife and kids that I would be happy to have such people care for me in my final days so they can just be there to be with me and morn me without having to take care of me too.

  6. I admire the special caring people that offer hospice care.

    Sending heartfelt {{hugs}}

  7. I'm sorry. May her transition be peaceful.

  8. This is a tough time for all family as you watch someone take their leave.

  9. Sending hugs and good thoughts! Coneflowers are beautiful!

  10. Yes indeed....Hospice nurses and staff are such a Blessing. My MIL passed away in Sept and we were so thankful to have Hospice with her. Every need was tended to and not only did they provide comfort for their patient, but they provided great comfort to us as her family. Prayers for your mom.

  11. Prayers for your Mom's comfort, and yours too.

  12. Peace be with your mother and all of her loved ones as she passes on.

  13. Those who work in hospice are amazing for the most part of course there will be some who are not so amazing but that is life

  14. It takes a special kind of person to work in hospice. They are usually so wonderful. I am glad your mom has some of those earth angels by her side. :)

  15. Oh Connie! I know how hard it is to even say the word "hospice". I hope this time is as easy for your precious Mom and the family as possible. Hospice is a wonderful group of caring people.
    Blessings and love,

  16. dear Connie, I don't think I knew that your mom was on hospice care. I am praying for her and for all of you in your family. I'm so sorry to hear this news. God bless her and all of you as you go through these difficult days. Yes Hospice is a blessing for our loved ones.

  17. Prayers for peace for your family.

  18. I'm praying for your Mom, you, and your family. Hospice nurses are truly special angels on earth.

  19. Sending prayers, hugs and our thoughts during this time.

  20. Hospice is such a kind care to have. I know that they will pay extra care for her.

    I went through this with my MIL and being with her was one of the best things I did. It is hard but I understand that it is difficult also.

  21. "It is a tough row to hoe." Your mom and dad would love that statement. I am sorry about her present condition and hospice helps out with everyone in the room.

  22. Our son was in hospice care for about 4 weeks before he died and the hospice nurses and the chaplain and the counselor were marvelous. So thankful that we had this available to manage our son's end of life.

  23. We were so thankful for the hospice nurses and support people as they cared for our son at the end of his life. They did an excellent job managing his pain and keeping him comfortable.

  24. That is comforting knowing that she is in good hands when you can't be there.


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