Tuesday, February 6, 2024


 We had frosty foggy roads on our trip back to see my Mom. We were there for two visits with her.  She is still in pain but the pain is better than it was last week.  Mom sleeps much of the time and is very unsteady.  Mom was 94 on her last birthday, she has had a long life.  

One day at a time. 

We stayed overnight at our own home, enjoyed the whirlpool and visits with my brothers and their wives. 

There is little to no snow in our yard.  We dropped off our taxes at the accountant.  Yeah for crossing something off our winter list!

Sadie and Little Elvis were very happy to see us return. 

Far Side


  1. I'm glad your mom has gotten some relief from the pain. I'm sure the sleep is her body's way of trying to heal itself.

  2. Oh gosh. Taxes. I'd forgotten!

    Good luck with your mom.

  3. so sad to see loved ones fail...my mom will be 97 this month and i visit a few times a year and each time notice little losses...knowing the inevitable is ahead...

  4. It seems strange that you have no snow. We don't either, but that's normal for us. :-)

  5. Oh, yuck, taxes.

    Glad you were able to check on your Mom and sleep in your own bed.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that your Mom is not well but glad her pain is less. Our mom's memory is decling quickly. In fact, we're going to visit a memory care place this morning to see if it will be an option in the future.
    Dennis sent our taxes off to our accountant in Spokane yesterday. One more thing crossed off the list.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Continued prayers for your mom. Glad you had a good visit with your family and that you were able to enjoy the whirlpool. Yay for the accomplishment on your Winter list. I am taking ours to the accountant today..

  8. Your mom has had a long life. I'm sure it was good to be home for a day, seeing your family and then returning to the dogs!

  9. It is wonderful to be loved by dogs!!!

  10. What a strange and different winter this has been. We still have snow on the hillsides, but it is slowly melting so hopefully it is going into the ground.

    Sorry to hear that your mom is still having pain. So hard to figure out what to do for her.

  11. Prayers of comfort for your mom. I bet it was fun to "visit" your home.

  12. I'm glad you got some time with your mom, and that she is in a little less pain now.
    I haven't started on my taxes yet. I think I still need some more statements to arrive. I've been putting everything in a file, so I'll have to check.

  13. Every moment with your mom is precious.
    Glad you had good roads and a safe trip.

  14. It must have been nice to stay in your home and sleep in your own bed also visit with your extended family. I hope your Mom can be kept with minimum pain as she continues her journey.

  15. There's always something to keep you busy. I hope that they can find something to comfort you mother.

  16. So glad your mom has less pain. Nice that you got to visit with the others in the family, too, and have a night at home to check the place out. Obviously the dogs miss you as much as you miss them. :)

  17. Glad to hear your mom is doing a little better. Sounds like the roads weren't the best...but at least you got to spend a little time at home.

  18. That is a sweet photo of your mom as a child in your previous post; good you got to spend time with her.

  19. Glad you had a nice visit with all things that feel like home, especially with your mom.

  20. I am sorry for your mom's pain. It is good to get your taxes in and you can stay at home whenever. I have been bad about commenting. My lost of the younger first cousin was a tough one for me and I just don't feel social.

  21. I've been praying for your Mom ever since your Dad died. I know that was hard on her.


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