Thursday, December 28, 2023

Still Icy

 It is like a skating rink outside with a half an inch of ice on everything.   Far Guy and I stayed inside yesterday.  Jen and Andy went out to put out ice melter and to chip away at ice.  They rescued the neighbors...they came home from their Christmas outing and couldn't get the car up the driveway...the fellow got out and fell down and couldn't get up.  Jen and Andy got them squared away.  

I have heard that people have gone ice skating down the streets. 

Far Side


  1. Yikes! That's really scary. Good to stay inside.

  2. It's so pretty, but so dangerous! Stay safe!

  3. Good heavens! Thank goodness that Jen and Andy were there to help the neighbours. Ice is so dangerous.
    I do hope it warms up soon. We're forecast to be well above freezing today.

  4. Oh my! This reminds me so much of Spokane. We used to have terrible ice. That's how I broke my back, from falling on the ice while clearing snow. How nice of Jen and Andy to help their neighbors. We all need each other sometimes.
    I hope it warms up enough to melt off of the roads and driveways.

  5. How scary to fall! I'm so glad your family could help them! I am sure you have all had enough of the ice, but glad you are safe and warm.

  6. That is icy. You don't need that. My 90 year old neighbor fell on the ice and broke his hip last week on our ice. Be safe.

  7. I saw people ice skating on the roads on the news! Luckily Kansas City missed that... just a few flurries and rain! We've had ice storms and I"ll take snow any day!

  8. The road looks treacherous. Staying inside is a very good idea.

  9. I’ll take snow over ice anytime! I’m glad Andy was there to help the neighbor.

  10. It is beautiful this morning with sun shining through the trees.

  11. That looks awful. We've had rain, so it is muddy here.

  12. Times like this, ya gotta wonder why anyone wants to live in Minnesota. Oh, yeah, it is those two great summer days in late August. Ya, got it.

  13. Sounds cold, ice would melt pretty fast here

  14. That ice is so dangerous! So glad you didn't lose power!

  15. We've had a few ice storms here in the past and they are nothing to play around with.

  16. Oh dear....your ice is lasting such a long time.....I feel so bad for everybody in your area that's trying to get around....thank God you haven't lost your power through all of this. Hope you have much better weather soon.

  17. I've heard how lethal ice like that can be. We don't get ice like that here (not even snow!). Glad you and hubby are being sensible and staying indoors, but also hoping that it will soon melt and you can get around outside again.

  18. Yikes! I always have a pair of Yak Traks for days like that.

    Looks like the ice will do a lot of damage to the trees.

  19. What a Christmas to remember and so strange last year so much snow and this year rain and all of that ice for you guys! We got the rain and lots of it, our grass is green.


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