Friday, December 29, 2023

Infusion and a hat

 Far Guy gets his infusions every Thursday, the infusions that have kept him alive the past eight years. 

The side roads are still icy but the main streets over to the Infusion Center at the hospital were good.  All the sidewalks are icy, I dropped Far Guy off at the door and went back home and then picked him up again when he was done.  It was all managed safely and no one fell or broke a hip.  The infusions take about 90 minutes here...back at home the gals at the infusion center take about 45 minutes.   Yesterday was a four stick day.  He felt like a pin cushion.

I made a hat for Far Guy.

I actually made two hats...the light blue color is very soft and snuggly, the brown is wool.  So it has an inner and outer hat...doubly warm.

You can tie the ear flaps up at the top of the hat if you have a button on the top and strings on the ear flaps...but he just wanted the hat flaps to cover his ears.  The pattern is Kaldi that was purchased on Ravelry the pattern is by Tinna. 

Far Side


  1. I love hats with flaps, they work the best for me!

    Glad the roads were not so bad so you couldn't go.

  2. Nice hat! I'm sure it will keep FG warm through the winter.

    Yikes, I hope the infusion center staff figure it out sooner than later.

  3. I wish the center there could get quick and efficient, you would think practice would make better! Far Guy's hat looks nice and warm!

  4. That's a great hat for the pincushion in question. Gosh, that's awful he must experience that every week. Sigh.

  5. He looks good in his warm new hat. Good job! It's interesting how that infusion takes such different amounts of time in the different places. Glad he could get there and home safely.

  6. That looks like a very toasty hat!

    It's nothing but rain and fog here. I have a feeling winter will hit with a vengeance in February

  7. Great hat. It would keep you warm in some nasty weather.

  8. You are so very talented! I love the hat!

  9. I like the hat! It's good you where able to safely get FG to his infusion.

  10. Great hat! My hubby gets an injection quarterly. It's been a journey!

  11. Looks like a hat that will keep his head and ears warm

  12. I'm sorry for Far Guy who had to be poked repeatedly but I'm sure glad neither of you slipped and fell due to any icy spots.
    Nice warm hat.

  13. Far guy looks pretty darn good modeling that new hat! Good job on making it, Connie. I'm glad he was able to get to his infusion without falling. Good job dropping him off and picking him up! Hope your ice is totally gone soon!

  14. That hat should keep him warm. I have been wearing my official winter coat because I can use the hood. The hood reminds me of when I was a kid when my mom always bought us hooded coats. I am tired of the cold already and we are just now getting started into the season. The cold really messes with my fingers even after I have been warmed up.

  15. Love the hat! It gets chilly having infusions. Sorry he has to be poked so much, but I am so glad he is still kicking...and looking smart in his warm hat...and nobody fell on all the ice. :) :)

  16. So glad you were able to travel safely on the ice. That hat is amazing! A two in one and I can tell through the screen it is keeping his ears warm. Genius pattern!

    Stay safe, you guys.

  17. Love that hat. I was just thinking I need a hat as my hood is very loose unless i get my huge subzero coat out but so far I haven't needed it. Thanks for the pattern info.


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