Sunday, December 24, 2023

Shiny Brite Christmas Eve

 I have many memories of the Shiny Brite tree.  I enjoyed decorating it every year.  

It has been a long time since I searched and purchased a new ornament. 

Here are two of my favorite ornaments.

See how the light is reflected off the tree in the background...Shiny and Brite! 

This ornament was a gift from Edie, it was originally an ornament that my second grade teacher had on her tree. 

I wish everyone a Shiny Brite Christmas Eve!
Far Side


  1. I have a few Shiny Brite ornaments. I have one like the blue one hanging on my tree now.

  2. Merry Christmas! Both ornaments are lovely and really special.

  3. That was truly a beautiful tree. You did love having it for everyone to enjoy. How tall was it? How long did it take to decorate? It was truly an act of love you did for your family.

  4. Right back at you! It's amazing to have that ornament. What a memory.

  5. I miss the shiny brite tree, too.
    But I know you two are having a marvelous Christmas with family.
    Merry, merry Christmas! :)

  6. Merry Christmas!

    The ornaments are lovely.

  7. Merry Christmas Connie! I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful day.

  8. That one in the photo was 10 feet tall. it took days to decorate:)

  9. Merry Christmas Eve!!! Love your Shiny Brite tree!

  10. Because of you I have sorted through all my ornaments to see how many Shiny Brite I have---I was stunned. I now could have my own Shiny Brite tree!!!

    Merry Christmas

  11. Merry Christmas to you both! I know how much you loved your Shiny Brite tree and I enjoyed seeing it too!

  12. A great Christmas Eve to you and your family.

  13. Your tree is beautiful. We had shiny brite ornaments on our tree when I was a child. It was beautiful. Our tree is a hodge-podge of ornaments. All different and all wonderful. I hope your Christmas Eve is wonderful!
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Have always enjoyed reading about your tree. I don't hang the shiny brites anymore, but I put mine in a tall cut glass pedastal bowl. no climbing. Happy Holidays to your and yours!

  15. Wishing you and all your loved ones a really happy joyous Christmas day :) xx

  16. Merry Christmas to all, and thanks for showing me the Shiny Brite tree once again!

  17. I am so glad that you have great photos of these. Your tree is one that could be brought out again some day. I didn't put up my one large tree and I regret it. Those two ornaments are so classic.

  18. What a beautiful tree! Merry Christmas!

  19. Happy Christmas Eve! I love the Shiny Brites.

  20. I love your Shiny Brite ornaments and tree. Merry Christmas to you both! Have a blessed and happy holiday!


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