Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas in 1981

 Found this old photo amongst the photos my Mom has saved. 

The year was 1981. 

Christmas at my parents home at the Resort.  Mom put the tree in the same corner every year. 

My Dad at age 55 is in the photo with three of his grandchildren.  Trica, Jen and Kirk.  Trica was 9 years old, Jen was 6 years old and Kirk was 1 year old ( Kirk belongs to my baby brother and his bride).   You can tell that Jen was in first grade as she has lost her front teeth. 

I don't know what my Mother was thinking when she picked out the carpeting!   Tinsel remains on the many mentioned yesterday in their comments tinsel was saved from year to year.  It was collected strand by strand and put over a piece of cardboard to use again the next year. 

Far Side


  1. The colors were pretty wild in the 70's, harvest gold and avocado green appliances as I recall. Maybe your mom picked the least colorful carpet.
    Yes, tinsel was definitely re-used. I loved putting it on the tree strand by strand. My siblings preferred to toss it on.

  2. I remember saving the "icicles" when I was a girl. Good memories.

  3. What a fun picture! Christmas 1981 was our first one as parents. Jerilyn was 6 months old, and had lots of giggling fun with the wrapping paper and bows.

  4. Great picture! Merry Christmas to you and Far Guy.

  5. I remember being in charge of saving the tinsel. AND I got to be the one to put it ON the tree!

  6. I remember it was pretty exciting when we had a new package of tinsel.
    I still like tinsel. One time I asked my 11 year old son to help. He rolled it up in a ball and tossed it on the tree. Not the kind of help I was looking for.

  7. Oh, that's right! I remember saving the tinsel that way too.
    Old memories of our "olden days".

  8. What a fun photo! I love the toothless smiles. Mandy was 2 at Christmas 1981. It seems we all had little kids back then.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Nice picture. It almost looks like Kirk is about to pull Jen's hair.

  10. Your Mom was thrifty. We were very poor but we tossed the tinsel! 🤭

  11. Tinsel was always fun to put on. I didn't have a lot of patience so I would toss it and see how it landed. I would correct it if it went horizontal. The kids photos are so cute.

  12. Such a nice photo, hope you have a great Christmas

  13. I love old pictures like that one. Time goes by too fast. You know, I still use tinsel, we call it icicles and I still pull them off the tree and save them. :) My sister and brother would argue over how to put them on the tree. He wanted to throw them on and she said you were supposed to hang them one at the time. :) Merry Christmas to you and all your family.

  14. That is a great picture! Merry Christmas to you!

  15. We may or may not have saved tinsel, I just thought it was so pretty!

    1981 my youngest had his first Christmas then! Whoa! Time flies!

  16. I remember removing the tinsel, too! Then my mom decided she wanted a flocked tree! Dad said they were too expensive, so he flocked a tree himself with some contraption kit that he hooked on to the vacuum cleaner--lol! Was a huge mess to do every year for several years. Us kids were so disappointed in the white flocked trees with the fake red cardinals (even if it was pretty, I guess) that they got us a cheap green tree that we could decorate any way we wanted in the basement. I loved those basement Christmas trees! ;)

  17. You know me....I love eclectic decorating so that couch and carpeting are right up my alley! LOL! What a darling picture and your Dad looked so young....we were young at that age but we didn't realize it. I can remember thinking 30 was old!
    Oh, I miss tinsel. Do they still sell it? It was a lot of work but so pretty! I can remember pressing each strand through my fingers before placing each individual strand on the showed my type A personality even when I was a child!


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