Monday, December 4, 2023


 Sadie is as busy as ever.  She has her favorite person in the household.  If Andy is at home Far Guy and I are just chopped liver. 

Sadie is a true retriever.  She retrieves "stuff" all day long; socks, mittens, shoes, papers, pieces of plastic and sticks.  You can tell if she has something as she makes low growling noises to announce her find!  She also has Little Elvis radar...if someone is petting him then she wants attention too and will chase him out of the way. 

See that huge stuffed is a pink unicorn and she drags it all over the house.  Luckily it is too big to go out the doggie door. 

Far Side


  1. I enjoy your pet stories. Rose destroys her toys if she gets one.

  2. She's a very special creature and I love her tremendously! Thanks for the sweet picture.

  3. Dogs do pick their fav humans, no matter who actually owns them. I get the chopped liver feeling a lot. All animals love Brad best. Even other peoples. He is an animal magnet. When co-workers bring their dogs to work, they ditch their owners and hang out with Brad. I love hearing the work dog stories. They all know where to find their dogs when they wander off :)

  4. Sadie may be all grown up, but she's sure a puppy in a lot of ways. What a cutie!

  5. Sweet Sadie. Love that her friend can't fit out the doggie door :-).

  6. There's our Sadie! What a sweetie! And what a good mommy to take such good care of her unicorn baby. I could use her finding skills to locate all the items I am constantly losing. And she sounds like she has good big sister skills, too. Don't want Little Elvis getting a big head.

  7. Sadie is an interesting and entertaining dog to have around the house.

  8. Sadie is so pretty, and obviously quite smart. My daughter has just adopted a second golden retriever. Newt is only 7 months old. He seems to be settling in with the 3 kids plus the older golden and the little dog in the house. The little dog's "person" is grandson Mason.

  9. Glad you have moved to your safe haven for winter. Dogs are good company.

  10. Dogs seem to always have a favorite human hierarchy...favorite, second favorite, etc. LOL! I am glad to see and hear tales of Sadie again. I'm sure you guys have missed her and Little Elvis, too. :)

  11. Boo Berry has TLC radar---(it can be a tad annoying) :)

  12. That is so much fun!

    Charlie is not a retriever but he lets us know that it is play time when he brings a toy for us to toss. He grunts really quietly until he has your attention.

  13. Sadie is so pretty! Sounds like she stays pretty busy too. Like you said, a true retriever.

  14. Oh sweet Sadie. She is so beautiful and sounds like a real smarty. Sometimes I think that Zoey belongs to Dennis and other times she acts all mine. She is definitely a snuggle bunny and the cuddliest dog we've ever owned. She HAS to be touching both of us in bed at night. It just won't do if one of us is too far away to touch. We've had Lizzie the last three nights too and she's the same way. We even bought a king size bed because we needed more room with the two of them. lol
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. That is a large toy! It is fun to be with the dogs again.

  16. Sounds like Sadie has her favourite person and she is happy

  17. We never get tired of hearing about Sadie.

  18. Love hearing about your days up at the Northern House. Glad you're having fun with the dogs again. Enjoy.

  19. Sadie has the eyes of an old soul full of compassion and love.

  20. Looks like Sadie has that "soft mouth" retrievers are known for. Necessary for the job they are bred for, retrieving game birds without mangling them. That pink unicorn should be around for a long time!

  21. Sadie has her jobs and retrieving is one of them. She sure has grown up and is such a nice dog.

  22. What a hoot that Sadie thinking about getting toys too big to go out the doggie door!


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