Sunday, December 3, 2023

Getting Settled

 We made it Up North safe and sound.  Our youngest Grandson Adam came by and helped us move stuff from the car to the house.  We unloaded stuff and settled in quickly.

Saturday we went grocery shopping and I had a long rest time. 

Sadie and Little Elvis are thrilled with our company.  When Far Guy put on his jacket to go along to the grocery store Sadie was visibly sad. She makes us laugh with her antics. 

I moved one dog bed between Far Guy and I in the computer room.

Little Elvis is happy to be there with us.  He rested with me in the afternoon. 

Andy custom built the cabinets and drawers for the computer area.  It is just perfect.  It is a very pretty room where we spend some time off and on throughout the day. 

No snow here yet. 

Far Side


  1. What a great room this is!

    Looks like Little Elvis is very happy for the company also.

    Good time for you to make the move. We are having weather here.

  2. Your son-in-law is very talented. Nice to have the company of the pups. I chuckled at Sadie being sad when FG was leaving for a short time.

  3. It feels good to be settled in and happily greeted by dogs! That is a beautiful piece of work by Andy.

  4. Glad you made it safely there .
    Andy does nice work!

  5. Love to see the happy dogs and people, together again for awhile. Glad that Sadie got to see FG go out and come back! :-)

  6. Our computer room has a long laminated counter supported by file cabinets, with overhead shelves, but not nearly as lovely as yours. We do have a nice window that shows me it is still raining.
    Such doggy love, I'm feeling envious and I am not especially a dog person. Oh, I like them, as long as they belong to other people.

  7. That's a well planned set of cabinets.

  8. The computer room cabinets and desk area is so nice for you and obviously those two sweet furbabies are happy to have you there with them all day long. What a win/win for everyone involved.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. It sounds like it was a pretty smooth transition - - like you are getting used to it. The neatest thing is it means Christmas is around the corner. Looking forward to hearing about your winter days and especially the dogs' thoughts about the activities.

  10. What a gorgeous computer room! He is very talented. A great place to work on your blog this winter. And those doggies could not be any cuter!

  11. So glad you made it up there safe and sound. The house always looks like such a beautiful and comfortable place to spend the winter months with family and furry friends all around. Wish we all had a wonderful place like that to go for a few months! Enjoy.

  12. Good to know you're set up for your winter stay. The computer room looks very well arranged.

  13. That built-in computer desk is gorgeous! And what a perfect spot for Little Elvis, too. Glad you got help unloading all your stuff. Sadie will keep you entertained! :)

  14. Andy does a great job in his building of everything. I bet he has a great shop. I really liked you card and in the middle of the night I read the letter. I was up wandering and thought I looked at the card but didn't read the letter. I read it under the light of my diabetic monitor. Good words and fun too Far Guy.

  15. So glad you made it up North safe and sound. I think you have a dream set up there!

  16. Good to see you are settled in (for a long winter) -- hopefully not too long! Take care!


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