Sunday, November 12, 2023

Photo project

 I finished with my Mom's photos, they have been sorted and some have been scanned.  All the old black and whites have been scanned, the color photos I chose to scan were the most interesting ones. I asked my siblings to stop by and pick up their photos.  I put out a plea on Facebook to my cousins to come and get their old photos.  We will see who shows up.

It is good to have that project behind me.  

Far Guy went to a 90th birthday gathering for the Tomato Man who lives over on the narrows.  He had a good visit with everyone.  I did not go...I was having a bad Arthritis the warm rice bag and the couch were my activity for the afternoon. 


Photo from 1957.  The photo was taken in my maternal grandparents yard.  On the back of the photo it says "Ma's new Buick"  that must be the 1957 Buick in the background.  The Buick next to the house is a 1950 Buick Eight.

I do not recall either vehicle. 

"The Tomato Man"  doesn't every rural community have someone who is known by a nickname?  In this case Curtis is known for the tomatoes he has grown since he was a kid.  He hangs out a sign with the word Tomatoes on it and people stop by to buy his tomatoes.

Far Side


  1. Gorgeous photo. I'm very happy to see it. Thanks.
    We also have a lot of signs in front of the farms... honey, eggs, butter, milk, potatoes... is the most common and I buy alt of it from the farmer.
    Many greetings to you, happy Sunday with all good wishes from Viola.

  2. I remember a few names from my home town, but most of them weren't very nice.

    Neat photo of the old (newer) cars. My aunt had a older model when I was a child and we would go "driving". We'd pretend we were going to visit an aunt on the prairies and Aunt Mae would be in the driver's seat pretending along with us.

  3. Buick were the car to own back then. They were prized as good vehicles.

  4. Sorry you were having a bad arthritis day and missed Tomato Man's birthday. Glad you finished with all those photos, though! :)

  5. I love hearing about the Tomato Man and the cars. Question about your rice bag - - - did you make it or buy it? I have one someone gave me and it needs replacing. Your blog prompted me to look on Google for the type of fabric to use. Do you put a scent in yours - - like an essential oil?

  6. I grew up with Buicks. I inherited my mother's LeSabre. We nickname the produce we get from Bill. Bill's beans, Bill's peppers, Bill tomatoes.

  7. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  8. Lynda, Just rice. Essential Oils are way too stinky. You can use a cotton bag and plain white rice from the grocery store.

  9. I made such a mess of the photos I scanned that I' thinking of doing them over.

  10. I just looked it up, Buicks are still being made, but they are all SUVs these days. Cool picture.

  11. I've made the bags using flannelette. I like the softness.

  12. My town is pretty boring. We just have "Marv" and "Paul". Everyone knows what it means when someone posts "Marv is in the parking lot of the coffee shop" or "Paul is in the parking lot of the old gas station". They are our local vegetable sellers.

  13. Why do our bodies have to have issues with how they work, you know work without pain and difficulties but no my body likes to make things hard or at least harder then they need to be

  14. I don't have many old black and white photos. It's fun to see how things have changed, like the old cars.

  15. I would love to have a tomato man here. Even the farm stand tomatoes look like they were shipped from somewhere not here. We stopped growing tomatoes a few years ago, I think the year before Katie died. She was very disappointed her last year with us, because every summer she'd get to go into the garden and pick her own cherry tomato off the vine. She loved her some tomatoes that's for sure. I felt sad that she didn't get to do it her last summer, but then again...tomatoes wouldn't have been ripe before she had to go.

    I hope you are feeling better. My husband is struggling right now with side effects of Keytruda which he was on for a year in the off chance they didn't get all the cancer out when they took his kidney a year ago. Always something, right?

  16. I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this. Also, I really hope that your Mom is much better by now.
    That's a really neat car. They don't make them like that anymore. We have a Honda CRV. When we bought the first one in 2010, I was one of the first small SUV's around. Now, every car out there looks virtually the same! I even tried to get into the wrong car at the grocery store last week. lol

  17. Boy, those old cars were substantial weren’t they! It’s probably a good thing people didn’t drive very fast then. I hope the arthritis flare has passed and that you feel better.

  18. We have a local that is known as the Garlic Man. He has up to 60 different varieties of garlic that he grows. He will trade garlic too. He lives for garlic!

    That is a neat old photo and a wonderful project also.

    My SIL took my MIL's photos and was going to do something like this. Um, she never did.

    So good of you to do this!

  19. Were those the old cars that had the scratchy upholstery?

  20. I have the load of all of the photos from my parents. My brothers refused to be in on the closing up of the house and I don't think they really want any of it. I am the baby brother and they let me be the boss over everything. I need to go through mine again and share on the Murray, Iowa site.


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