Monday, November 13, 2023


 My other baby brother took a look at Ranger Blue and figured out what the problem was.  A ground wire that was not installed properly at the factory.   He got the wire held down with a nut and it is good to go.  Many thanks to my other baby brother!

We went for a short ride to charge up the battery.

Far Guy and I have really missed our Ranger rides.

It was just past sunset when we went for a ride. 

The weather was beautiful yesterday, earlier in the day we delivered some old photos to some of my cousins and some Christmas ornaments.  It was 49 F or 10 C eh and very windy late in the afternoon.  Nice weather for mid November!

Far Side


  1. Nice weather indeed. Glad your other baby brother was able to diagnose the problem. Enjoy your rides!

  2. YAY Baby Brother! Even an easy fix is an expensive fix if you go to the professionals. Whew.

    Glad you got another ride in Blue Ranger. Those days are counting down.

  3. Hurrah for other baby brother! The weather has been quite mild indeed. It's ok to delay winter for awhile.

  4. I'm glad your brother could solve the Ranger problem because it would be a shame not to be able to enjoy those rides. Your photo project was enormous, and hopefully your family members will all appreciate the work put into it.

  5. YAY!!! We like rides on the farm also so I understand!

  6. Good to have handy and close by brohters!

  7. So glad your brother figured out what the problem was!! :)

  8. Nice that the problem was quite easy to fix thanks to your other baby brother.

  9. It's good to have handy people in the family isn't it? Glad Ranger Blue is up and running again. That's a beautiful sunset.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Five Five, to your other baby brother!

  11. Yes this is beautiful weather for mid-November! Enjoy it while it lasts.

  12. Monday was beautiful here. It got to nearly 60 degrees! I should have done a lot of things outdoors, but in the afternoon I felt wimpy.

    Good to hear the Ranger Blue is fixed!

  13. Wonderful and I bet he didn't charge you either! That's even better!

  14. The improper attachment of a ground wire could cause you to grind for forever. Some people have that extra sense about working on vehicles. I am glad he figured it out.


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