Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 My Mom took a tumble in the nursing home.  She was scanned, x rayed and had lots of tests in the ER yesterday.   She has a bump on her head and a cut on her elbow from the fall.  She was very tired and dehydrated so they gave her some fluids and sent her back to the home.  She could not remember where she was when she fell or why, or if she was inside or outside. I stayed with her while they ran all the tests, my other baby brother came by and sat with us for awhile. I got her back to the home safely. 

I washed a load of sheets and Far Guy got them dried and put back on the bed.  He also started supper for us.   He is researching what the problem is with Ranger Blue...it won't start even with a new battery. Uffda ...it was a day. 

A beaver had a good start.

Far Side


  1. I'm sorry to hear your mom had a fall. Keeping hydrated is so important, and it's amazing how dehydration can affect one's balance.

    Hope Ranger Blue reveals it's secrets and gets mobile again soon.

  2. So sorry to hear of your mom's fall. And hope you figure out what's wrong with Ranger Blue.

  3. So sorry to hear your mom had such a scary fall. I hope she is okay.

    I've heard about the newer Rangers having ongoing mysterious trouble starting. Truly hope you find a lasting solution!

  4. I'm sorry. Harrowing for both of you. I hope you and your mom get some rest today.

  5. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's fall, but happy to hear that there were no broken bones. It seems hips break so easily. Falling is always a fear of ours with Mom too. She walks and walks the halls all day long so maybe that helps her balance. I don't know. It's all so hard isn't it?
    I hope you get the Ranger Blue issue figured out. He's too young to have starting issues. I'm sure Far Guy will nail down the problem.
    Take care and have a good day. We're off to the surgeon to, hopefully, get the cast off and something smaller on Dennis's arm.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Oh, my, that was upsetting for all of you. We put our loved ones in care homes so we don’t have to worry. The caregivers in nursing homes here in the states are too few and can’t be everywhere they are needed, so things happen. Sad but true. ❤️

  7. Your photo is really an excellent view of the beaver's work.

    I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's fall, and hopefully won't have any more falls. They get so fragile as they age. My MIL fell and broke her collar bone when she was in assisted living years ago. When the facility called me she was insistent that I just come get her to take her to the ER, and was very angry with me for letting them call an ambulance. But I was worried of making things worse while helping her in and out of my car. I did drive her back to assisted living and helped her back to her little apartment, afterwards.

  8. That does sound like a day! Uffda!
    Glad your mom was taken care of and is back home. Reminds me of how grateful we were to have my mom in a place where staff was around to keep an eye on her all the time. It was scary to have her living alone down in Florida after dad died. She had trouble with getting dehydrated, too, and then her memory seemed to be worse than usual. My heart goes out to you and the rest of your family. It is hard to have a parent decline. *love and hugs*
    Hope you can get Ranger Blue going.

  9. Those type of days seem ever so long. I hope today is much better

  10. Sorry to hear about your mom, falling is so dangerous as we age. Hope she recovers well.

  11. So glad your mom wasn't seriously injured. Hope you can figure out what is wrong with Ranger Blue and that it's an easy, inexpensive fix!

  12. Oh a fall isn't good I am glad she wasn't hurt too bad, I hope it doesn't cost too much to fix Ranger Blue

  13. Uffda for sure.
    Your mom is getting good care and should heal. Ranger Blue might be trickier.

  14. Your poor Mom. I hope she feels better soon. And hopefully Far Guy can find the problem with Ranger Blue.

  15. Oh, so sorry to hear that about your Mom. Glad she wasn't seriously injured and that you were able to be there for her. I sure could use a Far Guy around here! LOL! Teamwork...it's wonderful!

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one with Ranger problems. We put fresh gas in ours and it has been starting much easier EXCEPT, these last two days when we've been using it heavily and it is getting hot, it starts stalling and bucking like a bronco every time you depress the accelerator. Once it cools off, it will drive just fine again. My google research says maybe the throttle control sensor cable is shorting out somewhere. I haven't had time to check that yet.

  17. Your mother's fall is typical for seniors. I hope there's no other damage and she recuperates rapidly.

  18. I am glad she didn't break anything. Even though you feel like you were in a car accident when falls happen. That beaver did a good job but didn't finish. I don't like seeing snow.

  19. Oh dear. so sorry to hear about your mom falling. I hope she is OK. Falling is such a problem when you get older. I seem to be getting more and more wobbly with age. Praying your mom will be all right now for a long time.

  20. I hope your mom isn't too sore from her fall. Poor girl :(

  21. This has been quite a week for you.

    Fingers crossed, things go better soon.


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