Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Covid and other stuff

 My Mom tested positive for Covid yesterday.  The day after I spent extended time with her in the emergency room.  The Nursing Home has not done the boosters available this Fall....or the Flu shots or RSV.  Uffda.

Yesterdays project was getting the Christmas ornaments ready to mail.  Not sure when I will get to the Post Office.  

I am almost done with a project I started last summer.  I have my Mom's numerous photo albums and boxes of loose photos.  I have gone through and scanned the really old photos and sorted through them.  I have envelopes filled with photos for many relatives on both sides of the family.  Mom had begun sorting at one point....and now it is almost done.  One more day and I will have it completed! 

My grandfather Albert and a three horse hitch. Three horses don't have to work as hard as two horses and they make a powerful team.

Far Side


  1. Coming from farmers, one would expect I have lots of old photos of my ancestors with photos. But off hand, the only one that comes to mine is of one of my 4th great grandfathers who was a veterinarian and the horse in that photo was pulling a buggy and not a piece of equipment.

  2. I do hope your mom's case of Covid is mild. Not certain what to think about the nursing home not arranging/providing the boosters. One would think that would be a priority considering the vulnerable population.
    Nice work on the photos.

  3. Two things--- I am sorry to hear about your mom. You are so blessed to have those photos.

  4. So sorry about your mother..its really tough for our elders.We are going through the same thing with my mum in law regarding flu shots... but we are assured it in the pipeline.

    What a fab photo of your grandfather.. I just love old photos and had a great time recently sorting through hubbys family pics. x

  5. Oh, no! The nursing home needs to get on the ball. I hope your booster keeps you well. This is a wonderful photo.

  6. Oh Connie, I'm so sorry to hear you're Mom has Covid. Hopefully it's a mild case and she recovers quickly. I also pray that you don't get it. Dennis and I got our RSV vaccines yesterday. He's fine. My arm is swollen and I've had a headache since about 6 hours afterward.
    That is a great photo of your Grandfather. They sure worked hard back in the day. Beautiful horses. I did the same with all of the photos from Mom's house over the winter last year. I still have boxes of our photos but I'm going to leave those for Mandy to sort. Ha!

  7. The work involved in sorting, scanning, organizing all those photos must have been huge - but interesting. I have a similar task facing me and just keep putting it off. I would rather sew.

    Hope your mom comes through Covid OK. I'm surprised they nursing home hadn't at least done flu shots.

  8. I’m sorry your Mom is dealing with COVID. I hope this is a wake up call for the nursing home to schedule the vaccinations for the residents as soon as possible.

  9. I can't believe a nursing home would not get all the shots done. Hope your Mom recovers quickly.

  10. So sorry your mom has covid and they haven't gotten the shots around to them yet. I hope she has a mild case...and that you don't get sick, too...or FarGuy.

    Great photos! That is a lot of work to go through them all.

  11. It's a treasure to have old photos. It connects us to our past. I guess our descendants will have to search in the 'cloud' for pictures of us. hehe

  12. Gosh, your poor Mom. Hugs to the both of you!

  13. Hope you don't get sick too! And swift healing for your mother.
    Love the picture - sooooo cool!

  14. So sorry to hear your mom has covid. I sure hope your own shot will protect you. And yes, that is a great shot! Thanks for sharing it.

  15. Uffda again! Not updating vaccinations in a nursing home is not a good thing.
    I have a photo of my grandfather with his two horse hitch. I haven't seem a three horse hitch.

  16. My mother tested positive for covid last week in her nursing home. The infectious disease coordinator explained the boosters have not been administered because the government is no longer providing/expediting vaccines. Each nursing home has to find/secure/administer a supply of the vaccines themselves. And it's a dog eat dog processes since covid is no longer an 'emergency' anymore. Thankfully mom has had all previous shots and boosters and is having a only a mild case. I hope your mom is too. Take care, Kris in Ohio

  17. I have not thankfully had Covid nor have I had the Flu most likely because I don't go out much and very few people other then close family

  18. The Covid going around is a milder version than 2 years ago. Ted just got over it, did a lot of sleeping and had low energy and a cough and chills but that was all. Hopefully it won't be too hard on your mom and you and your husband don't get it.
    Love the 3 up hitch photo, it's rare these days to see people who farm with horses, but there are still a few and some historical societies that promote it and put on demonstrations for the public in this area.

  19. I wish your Mom could get those 3 vaccines. She needs them. I would be very upset. Those who need the vaccines most can’t get them. Grrrrr

  20. Hope your mom will feel better very soon, and I hope you don't get the bug!
    Love the picture of the 3 horse cool.

  21. Hoping your mom has a mild case and recovers quickly.
    I am a little worried since I worked the polls for the election. I did have my trusty sanitizer, but it was too hard to wear a mask. We averaged one voter every 1.5 minutes at my precinct!

  22. I am sorry your Mom has COVID and hope her case is mild. Our local ERs used to test everyone coming into the ER but I'm sure that those days are now in the past. I know there were insurance issues with the COVID shots but it seems the nursing hoe could have been more diligent with the vunerable populations they serve. I hope you and Far Guy haven't caught it.

  23. Yikes! Just read this.
    Shaking my head.

  24. I hope your Mom will be okay and you too! Great photo of the 3 horse hitch!


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