Thursday, October 5, 2023


 We are both feeling a tad bit better.  It was a rough spell.  We both took it easy again yesterday and should be right as rain in a few days. 

I have been working on painting the Christmas ornaments....I am about 1/3 done. I am watching Call the Midwife while painting. 

 I watched Dancing with the Stars the other night...I wish those men would keep their shirts on every time one of them rips his shirt open to reveal a bald chest while dancing...I feel like barfing.  AND if the Golden Bachelor spends anymore time at the tanning salon he is going to croak from skin cancer.

Far Side


  1. Almost all the shows on tv are horrible. I wonder who they find to watch them. Glad you are feeling better. My dreading my shots after hearing of your experience.

  2. Glad you're both feeling better and will be right as rain soon. I love Call the Midwife.

  3. Glad you are feeling better. I personally think that once you are older than three, you look better with your clothes ON, not off.

  4. I am SO sorry you're both still feeling lousy. But look at you, still painting away. You'll be done with the ornaments before you know it.

    I seriously laughed out loud at your last paragraph. I've never watched either of them but saw a photo of the Golden Bachelor on FaceBook and thought the same thing.My dermatologist would have a heart attack.

    Feel better.
    Blessings and love,

  5. Glad to hear you're both feeling some better!

    I won't watch the looking for love (in all the wrong places) shows. The bits I've seen usually show them making out with multiple partners and that just creeps me out.

    Enjoy your painting!

  6. I stopped watching TV years ago. Audiobooks have become my entertainment while working on other projects.

  7. We watch a lot of British TV shows-we especially like Midsommer Murders, Father Brown, All Creatures Great and Small, they just seem to be better made and have a real story. I enjoy Call the Midwife and the books too.

  8. Watching Call The Midwife sounds so much better than Dancing With The Stars. And then--the Golden Bachelor--ROFL! I had to peek at the Golden Bachelor, even though I only peeked at The Bachelor a few times when the very first one came on...just to see how this version would be different. It wasn't much different at all from what I remember. Desperate women dressed in ball gowns showing off their wares, so to speak. The exceptionally tan bachelor started right off making out with various women who threw themselves at him. The women competing for his attention already beginning to get nastier...and I'm sure he will express how difficult it is for his heart to choose as the show progresses as he basks in all the attention. Nope--being in their 60s and 70s didn't mean they were any more wise or dignified--LOL! So funny! And so sad.

  9. I too had to laugh at your last paragraph.
    Hope you two are feeling better.

  10. I am so glad you are both feeling better. Whew!

  11. Good news that you and FG are feeling a bit better. Hopefully soon you'll feel 100% better !!!

  12. Call the Midwife is good. I think I watched all of them unless there's a new season. I also read the book which was good.
    Glad you are starting to feel better.

  13. Glad you are feeling better, yeah Christmas is approaching, I have started ordering a few personalised gifts

  14. Glad yu are feeling better.
    We watched all of Call the Midwife one Sunday evening at time during the original broadcasts.
    There's not much on TV now during the strike but I have only watched Dancing once and have not stooped to watching Golden Bachelor or any other of that ilk. Ugh.

  15. Don't watch them but I am sure there is some things that go on that are interesting. We did watch when Damian McGinty was on there, one of the Celtic Thunder singers. Keep getting better.

  16. Happy to hear you two have turned the corner and feeling somewhat better (that sounds like a wicked double vaccination). Hopefully we get some sunny days to complete some yard things.

  17. You are so funny! Glad you're feeling better. We stopped watching Dancing with the Stars years ago, and I've never been able to stand even five minutes of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. If it wasn't for Westerns, there would be no TV here. Folks seemed pretty normal back in those days. I do get a little tired of seeing men whacked over the head with the butt of gun. Mostly I sew at night. I am still enjoying my little red Christmas light bulb from you.


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