Friday, October 6, 2023

Another Thursday

 Another Thursday is in the books.  Far Guy had his infusion and I went grocery shopping.  It rained and the wind blew more leaves around and out of the trees.  At home we put away groceries and had a nap. I slept through some movie...I saw the beginning and the end.  

Our weather has turned cool.  We had temperatures in the 90's a few days ago and now we are in the 50's....what happened to the 70's or even the 60's???  Mother Nature is not fair.   Our high yesterday was 52 F or 12 C eh!  Some weather person mentioned the S word too...said it could S in the upper atmosphere but it would melt if it hit the ground...lovely.

Far Side


  1. Cool and rainy, yesterday seemed like fall! the beginning of the week there were swimmers at the beach. Minnesota weather!

  2. That darned S word was mentioned here too, though we saw none of it. However it froze overnight, so I have no excuse now for not pulling the annuals. I'll do it tomorrow as we're supposed to have a slight warm up.

  3. Yes--went from 90 to a freeze warning for tonight!! Good grief!
    Stay warm. Glad you got the clinic and groceries done. Snow? No. Can't be.

  4. Ours temps are like Rita's. 90's to 46 this morning and a freeze warning for tonight. Craziness. We're still going camping after church, Sun-Wed of next week. Hopefully we won't turn into popsicles. :-)

  5. Our weather could be interchangeable. Windy and chilly - leaves blowing around. It really howled here over night. I turned on the heat in the house yesterday, only to discover this morning that it isn’t working properly. Waiting on a service technician.

  6. Sadly, our weather has changed too. I'm never happy when summer is over. Leaves are coming down now, it's getting dark earlier. I'm not quite done with the fall clean up of the flower beds yet; but am close. Need a few more days without the dang rain. I'm not in the mood to rake yet, but apparently the trees don't know that, lol.

  7. We are cold here also. Not like you, but cold for us. I'm seriously thinking about building a fire in the wood stove. Nothing like that kind of heat anywhere

  8. We’re having having some cooler temps. But our highs are 70’s not 50’s.

  9. Oops, I got interested in your last post and left a comment there. Those leaves are pretty. Our leaves are just starting to fall. It's funny how I think of you when I see the leaves building up in the yard and wonder if you are keeping yours cleaned up. I can't complain about he weather, for a change. Warm but comfortable days and cool nights.

  10. Sounds similar to Wyoming. The white stuff is already falling at high elevations and on mountain passes.

  11. You will probably get nasty weather from here. For the last two days it's been very windy with highs from 4 to 6 C.

  12. We're warming up while you are cooling down. Beautiful blues skies today.
    Rain by Monday.

  13. Not ready for snow just yet.. But it is quite cold now in Wisconsin.

  14. Well we have highs in the 40s now and lows in the 30s. That was fast.

  15. I think a nap is called for today!

  16. What a big change over the last couple of days here too. Hot to mild to nice to ...brrr this morning with temps in the 30's.
    Well, it is October.

  17. Today we may hit a new record high for the date. I'm gonna walk in it, of course.

  18. I have lots of work to do outside but the cold makes me want to just hunker down inside. The wind was almost too much yesterday. Today it is quiet.


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