Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Still Hot

 It was only 94 F yesterday, that is 34 C eh.   Far Guy woodcarved outside.  I found enough stuff that needed doing inside the house.  A massive grocery list, cleaned a bathroom, laundry, worked on a sorting project upstairs, figured out a pattern for a Dobby hat but don't have the right color yarn...go figure all the yarn in this house and I do not have beige:)

We had salad for supper and jambalaya that just needed to be warmed in the microwave.  No cooking for us. 

Today I will attack that massive grocery list in town...all the tourists should be gone, I have an eye appointment for some test and I will probably go by the Nursing Home after locating some beige yarn. 

Far Side


  1. Why would you have beige yarn--LOL! You love color. What is a Dobby hat?

    I hope the tourists are gone and the weather has cooled down. :)

  2. you accomplished a lot in that hot humid weather!

  3. Hope that heat is just a memory and some lovely fall temps on the way for you. We had some beautiful post hurricane days in the upper 70s but this week it’s back to the humid 90s for us. Summer won’t let go for another 5 or 6 weeks.

  4. I miss being able to see well enough to knit and crochet. I guess if I invested in some very bright lights I could manage, but it's not high on my list of things to worry about.

  5. I think our heat wave has broken. This morning I stepped outside to get the newspaper and it was really cool. How refreshing!!

  6. Rita, A Dobby Hat is one worn by Dobby. Dobby was an Elf in Harry Potter...he has huge ears:)

  7. It's about that hot here too - and I'm not enjoying it!

  8. I had to look up a Dobby hat too. It's clear I've never read the books or seen the Harry Potter movies. It's a cute hat - for Mikey?

    Lovely geranium, the color is so pretty. Good luck with the groceries and eye appointment.

  9. Sorry that you’re dealing with high temperatures. It has FINALLY cooled here and the temperatures are comfortable and sometimes a bit chilly. I hope your Mom is having a good day.

  10. I looked up Dobby Hat too, had no clue. It's pretty cute, though.

    Our chilly continues. It has reached 60 here at 11:30, and partly cloudy.

  11. Seems weird you are as hot as it is down south. I got yarn for an Afghan today. Something to do.

  12. haha! I saw a picture of a Dobby hat and thought it was meant to look like a sheep.

  13. Your day sounds like mine except for the eye appointment. I hope you find some yarn!

  14. Your hardy geranium is beautiful. Mine are all gone due to the heat even with me watering them. We did the groceries together and our list was handy to make sure we got it all. It got crowded by the end of the time we were there .

  15. Hoping all your errands went well today, including finding that beige yarn. Hope you got to visit your mom too. Love the color of that geranium in the pic.

  16. Everything is cooling off tomorrow ....we even have a chance for a good rain tonight!

  17. Soon the geraniums will have to be pulled and hung up to dry.

  18. Yes, I prefer the shoulder seasons! Durn tourists!

  19. A very warm weekend! Shopping is getting better in town :)


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