Monday, September 4, 2023

Heat Wave

 We are having a heat wave this Labor Day weekend.  It was 94 F or 35 C eh!  yesterday.  The heat hit me square in the face when I went outdoors.  Today it is supposed to be 96...good thing we have Air Conditioning!  

It is really dry here, last night some idiots down on the lake were setting off fire works.  I can hope they were aiming over the water but you never know ...some people don't have half a brain. ( A sandwich short of a picnic, only one oar in the get the idea)

Far Guy worked on the Christmas Ornaments.  I finally decided on my paper order for Christmas cards and ordered it.  I spent some time crafting, doing paperwork, laundry and other boring household stuff...and then had a nap.  Far Guy scared me awake when it was time for supper. 

Great nephew Jordan visited us a couple of times over the weekend, he was here visiting his grandparents.  Jordan used to live next door...he belongs to my niece Katie and nephew Hunter.  Chance used to kidnap him and bring him to our house when Jordan was little and Chance wanted a boy of his own.   Jordan is going to school in Wahpeton ND to be a Diesel Mechanic...and it is closer for him to visit his grandparents than his parents....and we get to see him too! 

Far Side


  1. We had visitors yesterday also! Two grand kids came to visit and they were so much more fun than when they come with their own folks.
    I think we got to 97? It was hot and very dry. Fireworks were cancelled in our area as we are in a Red Flag Warning.

    The DNR asked folks not even to mow yards! What? Mow brown lawns? LOL.

    Stay cool and enjoy your day.

  2. You have such a unique way of painting word pictures of your world, and it makes me smile and filled me with gratitude that you are part of my life! Thanks for making my morning better. :-)

  3. I miss Chance. You always know how to make him come alive for me through your words. :-)

  4. You have been blessed to visit with the younger generation of men in your family this weekend. What a great profession he has chosen. Mechanics are super hard workers and very essential to our supply chain and transportation system for sure. That is a super cute story about him and Chance. You were blessed to have such a wonderful dog. He was certainly a cut above the rest. Praise God for A/C. It seems it wasn't too long ago you had either it or the heating system replaced - - or maybe a combo unit?

  5. That heat doesn't sound like fun.
    We are having a "cool snap", temps in the 60's. We don't think summer is over yet, but we wouldn't miss the heat.

  6. I don't recognize the flowers - is it salvia? Very pretty.

    How nice that your grandnephew is able to visit with you. I chuckled at the thought of Chance's kidnapping the child. What fun!

    The heat is over here now, we're expecting a high of 18C/64F today and rain. I'm happy to see it because it's been so very smokey - hopefully the rain will knock that down.

  7. It is HOT! Today and tomorrow and then some tolerable weather. Chance the boy-napper!

  8. Maebeme They are Pentas and they are my sister in laws plants.

  9. Lynda, Yes Furnace replaced a few years ago and then central air was installed too:)

  10. We have the oppressive heat going on here too. Unwisely I started some new medicine and emptied some closets to organize here in the ac. Since I am dizzy and tired, the sorting is going very slowly.

  11. It's fun when young people enjoy us old folks!!

  12. I don’t like fireworks even when it’s not dry. Drives the poor dogs crazy. Love your blooms flowers make everything better. They were wasps…angry ones!

  13. Fireworks on the eve of Labour Day? Odd.
    I hope your awful heat leaves very soon. Your summer is reluctant to give way to more Fall-ish temperatures. Hopefully soon.

  14. How nice that you got to see your nephew Jordan over the weekend. Yes it is very hot here too....but that's going to change in another day or two and then things will get cool. Love those flowers at the end of your post.

  15. Heat wave there as well? I spent most of my time indoors this weekend and caught up on lots of things. I kind of feel bad I didn't relax as much, but was thankful for the extra day to get some jobs done. Fall is right around the corner....

  16. Love the story of Chance and his boy.
    This heat snap is something!
    We took our ATV out for a trail run was fun as long as we kept moving, but GASP when we stopped to take a few photos!

  17. I miss Chance, too. Won't be too long and you'll be up with Sadie again, right? So nice you get visits from Jordan. The heat should break now after Labor Day for a while it looks like. I am also so grateful to have AC! Next thing we will be freezing. So glad for heating, too. ;)

  18. You have so many people that love you and've left positive impacts on many. It' shot here but about the same as you even a little 87 but we haven't had the humidity this summer which has been nice and also there's been a breeze all summer which we never have and fairly regular I'm not complaining for down here. I hope it cools off for you soon. Far Guy is a trooper being out in that heat!


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