Saturday, July 29, 2023

All here

 The grandchildren and great grandchildren that could not attend my Dad's funeral last December are here now. 

Last December...

Friday we had a graveside service...


My Nephews carrying my Dad's ashes.

The headstone is not in place yet.  The white markers are up for its placement.

It was a very nice committal service.  I am glad it is finally accomplished.

Far Side


  1. He is finally laid to rest after a long and productive life. Thanks for taking me along.

  2. I absolutely hate the word closure for there is no closure in losing a loved one... We'll just say that the final chapter has been read, the book closed and laid on a shelf. My love and hugs to you and your family

  3. I'm glad everyone was able to make it to the service. I'm sure there were many hugs and some tears.

  4. July is rather pleasant compared to a December day.

  5. A hard thing to do, but nice to accomplish. Hugs to you, Connie

  6. You have had a tough week. It’s so hard and sad watching our parents’ generation get old and pass away. My heart is with you.

  7. It is nice to have closure and to have the relatives all gather together. Looks like it was a decent day, too.

  8. Condolences. Blessings for peace & comfort. Karen

  9. It's hard, that final, final goodbye. We had to fo it in 2 phases too because my dad was killed in Dec and he wanted his ashes spread on the lake.

  10. A hard day I'm sure. In spite of the sad occasion I'm sure it was good to see the grands and great grands.

  11. Oh Connie, that had to be very difficult for you and the entire family. It's been a rough week for you all too with having to do the final move of your Mom to her new room. Life is not for the weak of heart is it? I'll continue to pray for you all my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  12. That is an important step for family to find closure. My mother didn't want any kind of "service", but I reminded her it was important to us. She finally agreed we could do something simple. Her ashes were in a simple oak box very similar to your father's.

  13. Happy all could be there and that the weather was nice. Sending prayers!

  14. I've never heard of a Committal Service. That is wonderful that you can have a grave site even when cremated. I didn't know that. Maybe I could do that for Jim. I really think it is a help to have a place to go and visit and honor those who have passed.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie