Wednesday, June 14, 2023


 We all have to adapt to change.  Yesterday my baby brother and his bride and I moved our Mom from the hospital to the Nursing Home for some rehab after her illness.  We will see how she does and how motivated she is.   Olivia my Great Niece is working in Mom's area as a Mom will get frequent hugs.   Mom needs to get much stronger and be able to do things for herself before she can go back to her all depends on her attitude.

I am fine with either outcome. She would probably get better care in the Nursing Home...sooner or later she will probably end up in there.  Her apartment is connected to the Nursing Home by a connecting door so we were able to move some of her clothing and some familiar things quite easily.  Mom is still fairly depressed after the death of my Dad back in December.  The Doctor upped her anti depressant med...but I didn't see much difference....perhaps she is just sad when I am there! 

Mom during happier times...Oct 10 1950.

Far Side


  1. I hope she does okay there. She must really miss your dad. Has to be hard. If she gets to feeling better maybe it will help her spirits. *hugs*

  2. There comes a certain point in which everything feels 'sad' 'depressing' and tiring. My MIL lost all motivation when she had multiple issues going on. The folks at the nursing home were so good to her.
    And she had been in one for rehab and then one for her last year of life.

    Losing her life partner has to effect her. :(

  3. so sorry to hear about you seems like loss is the watchword for our older years, and at a time when we're less able to absorb and bounce back...sigh...

  4. Oh, my heart goes out to your mom. She's had to deal with a lot of changes over the past couple of years. I do hope she adapts well to the nursing home. It's definitely a bonus to have a family member living there.

    Where was the photo taken? It looks like an interesting piece of stone work.

  5. She looks so cute in her attitude in her honeymoon picture! Life gets to the end too quickly it seems. Very thankful she is still getting good care. We will pray for her to have interest in forward progress and find the reserves to do that. Also, keep in mind - - as you probably know, we let down our guard and take out our frustrations on those we love and trust most.

  6. She has had an amazing life, and I think it's wonderful that she has you to help with this transition.

  7. Sorry your Mom isn't able to go back to her apartment. It's more important she has the care she needs though, like you say.

  8. It's not easy is it? How nice though that she has a loving family member working there to see her often. I can't imagine losing someone after 73 years. It must be so hard just going on day to day. We're going through similar things with Dennis's Mom. Just yesterday I was taking her to a doctor appointment and she said she see's no reason to go to appointments anymore. Just take her off her meds and let her go. She's so sad all of the time now. Rarely a laugh like her old self. I just feel so bad for all of us. You and your whole family are in my prayers. I truly hope she adapts and makes friends there.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Prayers for your mom. It's tough to go through the loss of a spouse and failing health.
    My parents were also married in 1950. Love the photo of your mom.

  10. Change is hard at any age, but especially when not feeling well. I pray this transition is not difficult for your Mom.

  11. Having family working there will be good for her. It's understandable she misses your dad, they spent forever with one another. What ever comes of this, she is loved and cared for.

  12. I think I would be depressed to lose Terry also. My heart goes out to your Mom. This is a very hard time in life for her.

  13. I feel so bad for your Mom. There comes a time in life when there just isn't much to look forward too, I imagine. Especially after the person you've spent your life with is gone. When you're young there is so much to look forward to but as you age more and more things are no longer available to you.
    I w ill pray that she finds the love of her family to be enough.

  14. I'd be pretty sad, as well. It is a difficult stage of life. Take care.

  15. I sometimes think about how I would/will do when/if I lose my life partner and my quality of life is poor. It's hard.

  16. All of you are in a challenging situation. I hope the best happens for all of you.

  17. Thanks for letting us know about your mom. Hope she can find some joy these days and get better. It's nice that a niece will be looking in on her from time to time.

  18. This is such a hard time for your Mom. I hope she can find the motivation that she needs so she can cope with the changes in her life. I hope this isn't a weird question but would she appreciate a card? I'd love to send one if you think it's a good idea. It just might brighten her day.

  19. Hopefully if she gets feeling better she'll start feeling better. So nice she'll have family right there.

  20. It is tough. I like seeing the photos of them back then. I have shots of my parents when they were in their twenties and my dad could smile back then. I hope your mom gets a routine going in the nursing home that makes her feel more at home.


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