Thursday, May 18, 2023


 The log siding on our home needed to be totally refinished.  It is a messy job.  We hired someone to do it that guarantees his work for ten years....we will see. 



In Progress

It is a bit darker that I would have liked, but it isn't as dark as Far Guy thought it would be so it is okay. 

It is messy here.   I have plumbers coming  today to install two high rise toilets and a new hot water heater.  

I believe that the house will get a coat of sealer next...and that stuff is pretty smelly.  

Given our air quality and all the dust/fumes here at the house Far Guy and I will be staying elsewhere for a couple of days. 

Yesterday I baby sat Baxter,  he was in a funk all day missing his people.  He was so happy to see them when they returned!   He likes me just fine but I am not a replacement....he didn't eat his morning meal until late in the afternoon...what a turd!

Far Side



  1. It looks wonderful! I hope the fumes leave quickly and you can get home to enjoy your new place.

  2. I like the darker color better. Looks fabulous! I hope they finish up and you can return when the fumes die down a bit. Soon, hopefully!

    Nobody is a replacement for your people. ;)

  3. I'm not certain if it is the lighting, but it looks more red than it did previously. I would want to be elsewhere too, with all that work going on.

    Baxter is one loyal pup!

  4. Maintenance is never ending and very messy at times. Good idea to stay somewhere else until the smell dissipates a bit.

  5. I think you will like it after you have some time. I think it looks good. A very good idea to get out of there.

  6. Baxter is a very loyal dog. One family only!

  7. I had never thought of having to put finishing coats or sealer on the logs. I can imagine how stinky the sealer is. Our air quality is in the moderate to unhealthy today too. I never would have noticed it though without reading it on the weather app. Compared to our forest fires in Washington, it doesn't seem bad at all. I have all of the windows open letting in the cool breeze.
    Sorry Baxter was so upset. Our Zoey is like that. She's a "velcro" dog, stuck to us like glue. The only place she isn't like that is when she's at Mandy's playing with her sister, Lizzie. Papa went to take Piper to school today since Mandy had an appointment. He brought Lizzie home with him so the girls could have a playdate! :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Nice to get that refinishing done and it's good for ten years!!!
    Our air quality here is bad due to smoke from the wildfires up north.

  9. Looking good! I actually like the darker colour. Hope you can come home to a nice smelling house!

  10. Poor Baxter - he must get sad and anxious when his people aren't there.

    Good idea to stay away from all the fumes.

  11. Renovations are a huge disruption. I don't like them.

  12. It's looking good!
    I am considering installing high-rise toilets once we remove the temporary risers we put on for my hip surgery. They are higher than the permanent ones.

  13. wow....lots going on at your house these days. I'm sure you'll be thrilled when it is all done. I like both colors of your home! Take good care while you're away for a bit.

  14. I think the house looks great with that color. Yes, stay away from the fumes!
    That Baxter....he is a big baby but oh so cute! LOL!

  15. The house looks so great. I see people let their log homes go bad rather than seal and stain them. It is busy around your house and an extra dog too.

  16. Good idea staying elsewhere while the fumes and dust were going to be an issue. Glad you had that option.

    Some dogs just love their own humans best.


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