Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Floating Garden

 I spent the day at my baby brothers yesterday.  He and his bride were constructing a floating garden.  

It was trial and error...mostly wet error until after lunch and a nap.  Baxter had a nap too. 

We constructed the platform using some drainage pipe filled with empty water bottles to help with floatation.  Two layers of plastic snow fence covered the structure and many zip ties were used!  Final construction was the addition of some pool noodles. 

It floats...will the plants grow?   We shall see...there are strawberries, beans, squash and tomatoes. 

We squirted it around on the dock and got it on the front of the kayak and Beth paddled it around and shoved it off into the water.. 

It has a bit of chain on both ends to serve as an anchor and it is tied to the dock.  The beige structure is a kayak launcher. 

My baby brother and his bride and Baxter.  ( I think all dogs like wet legs!)

Refinishing our log siding is still in progress....slow progress.  Due to the air quality Far Guy is safely away from home for a few days while I hold down the fort here. 

Far Side  


  1. Wow! I have never heard of such a thing! How fascinating! You'll have to let us know if it works or not.
    Yes, best that FarGuy stays away from all those fumes and any dust or whatever they are stirring up at your place. :)

  2. I've heard of floating gardens but had no idea how they worked. I hope you report back periodically this summer on it's growing progress. Very interesting!!

  3. What a good idea! I look forward to seeing what comes of that garden. And hoping FG will be okay.

  4. What a cool project! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

  5. I never heard of a floating garden. This sounds like such a good idea. It will be interesting to me to see how this progresses.

  6. Very cool!! I have never heard of a floating garden. Love the concept!

  7. I had a friend who, for a few years anyway, raised a hydroponic garden above large stock tanks full of tilapia fish. I was amazed at how well the plants grew. In his case, they were floating on some sort of styrofoam.

  8. Very creative! I want to know if it works.

  9. I was wondering about the fumes and Far Guy. It was a relief to know he's not anywhere around it.
    The garden is really interesting and I'll be looking forward to knowing how it does.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. I'm like many others, I've not heard of a floating garden before. I hope you'll be able to share the garden as it grows.

    We've got an air quality warning here today too. It is like sitting downwind of a camp fire, but there is no way to get out of the smoke. I'm staying indoors and out of it as much as possible. Glad that Far Guy is able to get away from it.

  11. My Astrid would love a floating garden on Pop’s pond I bet. What a cool idea.

  12. Cool idea! One bonus - the deer can’t get to it.

  13. Well, that's a new one for me. I am assuming this is a fun experiment and not a plan to feed the family.

  14. What an interesting idea! Sounds like Margie's out west.

  15. Interesting experiment. I hope it works.

  16. Now, I've never heard about a garden on the water. I will be interested as to how this works.

  17. This is going to be interesting. We will love seeing the updates.

  18. What a neat experiment! You will have to keep up updated!

  19. I've worked in water plants from when I was a greenhouse tech for so many years, but this is a very interesting idea they've come up with. I'll be watching to see how things go... and grow! Neat-o!!

  20. Is your air quality not good right now? Hope far guy can come home soon. Wondering what the purpose is of a floating garden? I never heard of one before. Your posts are always so newsy! I have to come here to learn new things!!! Take good care!

  21. That is amazing! I've never heard of it but you never have to water which is awesome! Keep us up to date on the progress...fascinating!


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