Thursday, May 11, 2023


I joined Far Guy for both of his appointments yesterday.  The morning appointment was unplanned.  He has a vitreous detachment in his left eye.  He will be fine.  Old Age strikes again!

In the afternoon after his last appointment of the day and after a trip by Hobby Lobby  our youngest granddaughter Miss Paige joined us for a late lunch/early supper or lupper. 

Don't you wish you could look that good after coming in from yard work?  We had a good visit!  Paige Graduates on Friday ( North Dakota State School of Science in the Dental Hygienist program)

Galla Creek asked how I join my odds and ends of yarn.  This may not be the right way but it works for me.  The knot is easily hidden amongst the stitches.

Far Side


  1. Your grand-daughter is beautiful. You must be so proud of her :)

  2. She is lovely, yard work or not. :-)

  3. Paige is a lovely girl, wonderful you were able to spend some time with her. Good luck to her in her career.

  4. You must be so proud of Paige.

    As long as you achieve the desired results, and the end product looks like it's meant to (or like you want it to) it doesn't matter if it's the right way. In fact, the person who teaches the crochet group I go to via Zoom always says, "If it's the way that works for you to get the right result, then it's the right way for you, and that's what matters."

  5. Your granddaughter is a beauty!! That is a clever method for joining the yarn.

  6. I wish I looked that good, period!

  7. Some crafting sites call that The Magic Knot. I use it occasionally. Congratulations to Paige!

  8. Your granddaughter is lovely! A square knot the best kind!

  9. thank you for the idea on joining yarns! I will try that!

  10. Robin from P'villeMay 11, 2023 at 1:11 PM

    Oh to be young AND beautiful . . .

  11. At least your appointment day ended up with dinner/lunch with a lovely companion. Gosh, it is always something isn't it.

  12. There's no doubt about it...Paige is a beauty!!

  13. Oh my goodness....the EYES seem to have it this week at your place. Hope far guy will be feeling fine soon. and how is your eye doing now? Miss Paige is so cute...congrats to her on her graduation! We have 2 family graduations in the next 2 weeks, this weekend a College Graduation and next weekend a High School Graduation! May is a busy month!

  14. Wow, she is beautiful!

    I understand the vitreous detachment. It scared the crap out of me when it happened a while ago.
    Hopefully all things go smoothly now!

  15. Another one graduated and out soon to make a living on her own.

  16. Oh, poor Far Guy! That sounds painful. Paige looks young, healthy, and beautiful! Didn't we all look that good at one time? I just can't remember! LOL! Congratulations to her on her marvelous accomplishment!

  17. That was sweet of your grand daughter to join you. She has a beautiful smile. Sorry to hear that Far Guy is having eye trouble too.


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