Friday, May 12, 2023


 I saw this blooming shrub in town, it is a beauty...I made a u turn to go get a photo.


Yellow is such a cheerful color!  Spring could be here!

Far Guys weekly infusion went well,  I ran some errands while he was at the clinic. 

Far Side 


  1. Oh, that is striking!! I do think spring is rushing in. Was 83 degrees Thursday! Crazy!

  2. Wow, that is a LOT of yellow!

    I'm just trying to catch up while it is raining a bit here.

    This spring is keeping me busy!

  3. That shrub is so pretty. I noticed yesterday that a flowering tree on our street is finally in bloom. And today it's rainy here finally. We've had lots of storms go around us, or fizzle out before they get here.

  4. Yes! Forsythia and daffodils and dandelions.... all the lovely yellow of spring brings on the happies!

  5. What a beautiful bush! I would have turned around, too.

  6. Very pretty! Things are just starting to green up here, but it won't be long before the neighbour's apple trees and lilacs will be showing off.

  7. That is truly a spectacular forsythia. It is a common shrub here, and finished blooming weeks ago. I have never seen one that big.

  8. It's joyful! I like yellow a lot.

  9. As a kid on the farm in southern Iowa we had a huge forsythia that bloomed well. I had some at my home in Woodward and I never could get them to bloom. Up the street a person's did. You deserve some spring. I am not remembering names of plants very well anymore. I don't know what that is all about.

  10. So many of Spring's first blooms are yellow!!
    Bees just love Forsythia.

  11. Forsythias are so very yellow we can't stop admiring them. Nice photo.

  12. Forsythia is so pretty. They don’t last long.

  13. Our house had a forsythia when we moved in (1978). My mom taught me how to root them and I have them scattered here and there along our property line.

  14. Forsythia declares the arrival of spring. I have one just outside the kitchen window. Love that happy yellow

  15. What a beautiful bush.....thank you for the lovely picture of it. Keep feeling better you two, and have a terrific weekend.

  16. Oh yes! If you have forsythia, spring is arriving!

  17. I have never seen a Forsythia bush grow that big. Most people trim them up for hedges around here. I should set a "start" out in an out-of-the way place and let it grow wild. Thanks for the idea.

  18. Wow, that is one big shrub and so full of bright blooms!!

  19. That's a gorgeous forsythia! Ours bloomed at least a month ago :-o.


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