Sunday, February 26, 2023

Warming up

Well ... it will warm up and be windy and possibly warm enough to rain and get some ice this coming week...above zero would be okay...above freezing not so much...I know picky picky picky.  March will most likely come in like a Lion.  Hard to believe that February is almost over. 

Quiet day yesterday, I crocheted a bit, yarn was delivered, I binge watched some episodes of Outlander and we went out for supper at a favorite Mexican place. 

We only have one appointment this week...yeah us! 

Far Side


  1. You sound like us - - - rejoicing when there are no appointments on the calendar!
    Retirement is great because everyday is "do what you want when you want" if there is nothing that immediately needs to be completed. Life is grand and God is good to give these days to us!

  2. I agree, above freezing is a no go with rain in the forecast. Unless it's planning on sticking around for a week or two.

    Slightly warmer here this morning too, with a possiblity of reaching -3C(27F) this afternoon. I'll believe it when I see it.

  3. I am not looking forward to the rain tomorrow. What a mess. Enjoy using that yarn.

  4. I complain about the chill and it’s 50 degrees. I’m so ashamed of myself. One appt is wonderful for you and Far Guy. That’s makings of a good week. Eating out is another joy. You are blessed.

  5. It's warming up here today. I'll send it to you. You don't want to get the rain they're supposed to get in Chicago according to my daughter who live there.

  6. Love the photo of the old chair with the snow.

  7. That chair looks...uncomfortable and cold! 😂

  8. Outlander was pretty interesting. Funny when getting around 20 degrees feels warmer. So true! :)

  9. It's warmer here today too. Possibly in the low 50's. Happy Days! I even have the door to the balcony propped open a few inches for some fresh air.
    Dennis starts his part-time job tomorrow. I sure hope he likes it. Half hour commute each way for 4 hours of work!
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. March will no doubt be coming in like a lion here too. Hopefully in the next month we'll see warming temps and NO SNOW.

  11. Our light snow from over night is melting away. We'll be on the border line for more snow this week, but it will most likely be cold rain. Ugh.

  12. We were so warm today that guys were out wearing shorts. I didn't because 54 is still cold to me. I like the photo of the old metal chair. Brings back memories of my Aunt Mary's house.

  13. Our March is slated to come in like a lamb... I bet that means the lion will have the lamb for lunch by mid-march and we'll get hit with another ice storm!

  14. If we have a choice, I'm hoping for just snow this week, without the sleet!

  15. Hope it does warm up for you some. And YAY for only having one appointment this week.


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