Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Sadie Runs

 Sadie runs on the treadmill.  I have had her on it a couple of times...she does great especially if she gets a treat now and then.  She goes to Doggie Day Care one day a week and she goes on the treadmill there. 

Sadie has energy!  Both Andy and Jen take her for walks on the nearby trails....sometimes it is too cold to go outside and sometimes Sadie just needs to burn off some excess energy. 

Not a great photo but you get an idea! 

Here she is looking sweet...and tired from an outing with Andy who is her "person." 

She is well loved. 

Far Side


  1. A dog on a treadmill? Who would have imagined that?

    I know that I had to exercise Morris a lot, he was always a bundle of energy. Charlie gets going too if we don't get out for hikes together.

    She is beautiful!

  2. I just saw a cat on a video on a treadmill!
    It is great therapy. Hubby uses ours!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  3. January is Walk your Pet Month. So far, I've took Rose out on a walk every day in January ;) to a place that's not just around in the yard. Maybe that extra walking will be good for me too :) Karen

  4. My best friend's labs loved her treadmill. It was great for the days when the weather was too poor to get out!

  5. I have respect for any dog who used a treadmill!

  6. I don't think any dog I've had would have used a treadmill. The bassets would have gone immediately to flat basset mode!

  7. Ah sweet Sadie. She is lovely. I've seen videos of dogs on treadmills but never known one personally. Good for her. Is there a way to transfer transfer calories burned to a human? I could use that.

  8. Hi Sadie!! Our daughter's golden - Samson - is way too lazy to do a treadmill. But he does like walks. And he thinks he's a lap dog. He got lots of loving when they were here last weekend.

  9. Is that a treadmill for dogs or a person treadmill?

  10. I have heard of this but never seen what it looks like. Good for Sadie! :)

  11. She is such a beauty. I can see she would bond most with the one who walks her but she looks loving of all people. I walked my Barney sometime in snowstorms at five in the morning and he was so glad of sharing that time. He loved the outdoors and I bet she does too.

  12. Linda, It is a people treadmill, Far Guy uses it too:)

  13. What a great idea for her to get exercise in the Winter. I need to do that!LOL! I cold give myself treats too but I don't have a treadmill. I just walk around my house....I literally walk in circles!

  14. Interesting how each dog has it's own personality.

  15. So Sadie likes the treadmill. I wonder how you teach a dog to walk on a treadmill? It's hard enough to get people to walk on a treadmill. Maybe "treats" always work? For people too! :)

  16. Sadie is beautiful. We had a golden named Starr many years ago. They are such a sweet breed. Sadie spends more time on the treadmill than I do!

  17. That seems like it takes all of the fun out of walking a dog. Then again, it does get COLD in Minnesota. Perhaps a warm treadmill is better than frost bite.

  18. Sadie is so pretty! Getting her to walk on the treadmill is amazing, it's good for her.


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