Thursday, January 5, 2023

Phoebe moves

 Youngest Grandson Adam moved into his own apartment and one evening after work he came and got Phoebe and moved all her stuff too...I imagine she was quite vocal all night. 

Adam rescued her from the Humane Society a few years ago. 

She is a nice kitty...a talker...she let us know when something wasn't quite right and was a good mouser.  Sometimes she brought her catch into the house...dead...sometimes quite alive.  I bet she will miss the doggie door into the garage.

Far Side 


  1. What a pretty cat!
    Charlie our little dog tries to be a mouser. He catches them and then loses interest if they don't squeak. He doesn't bring them in the house though!

    Mousers are good to have!
    I bet she will miss her kitty/doggie door!

  2. What a beautiful kitty! Sammy used to bring us the occasional mouse too.

  3. I think Phoebe will probably miss everything about "home" but as long as her special human is with her she will adjust well.

  4. Phoebe is a beautiful calico! Sadie is going to miss her.

  5. She is a gorgeous cat!
    She may protest the change but I'm sure she will adapt. :)

  6. I just have a feeling Phoebe is going to be very spoiled in her new home!

  7. Gorgeous kitty. She will miss her access to the garage, there will be some complaining.

  8. I hope Phoebe adjusts well to her new home, She's a beautiful cat.

  9. I'll miss seeing an occasional picture of Phoebe. Hope she'll be happy over at Adam's place. Will she miss the dogs or be lonely during the day? She sure is pretty! Maybe the dogs will miss her??? :)

  10. Phoebe is such a pretty calico cat!

  11. Phoebe is beautiful. Adam needs company.

  12. Yes, she is definitely a pretty cat. I had a talker once, and I could almost tell what she was saying to me. :-)

  13. She is so pretty. She will miss the doggies


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