Sunday, November 27, 2022


 We are tuckered out and had our fill of turkey for quite a long time.  

We had a quiet day Saturday we went to recycle and then dropped by the neighbors for coffee.   Older folks talk about their health ...they have cataract surgery and a possible back surgery happening in the next month or so.   Thankfully Far Guy and I have no surgery coming up.  I am tired...and Far Guy is short of breath...same old same old health complaints.   They filled us in on a mutual friend struggling with sad.   So it could be worse. 

My baby brothers bride shared her photo of the Thursday turkey.

Far Side


  1. The turkey looks perfect.
    Yes, seems like the older we get the more conversation evolves around health...but it could always, always be worse. Same old, same old isn't that bad. ;)

  2. I am sort of tired of turkey, too, but I can get used to having it a couple more times. I'm glad you two are tuckered but recovering.

  3. That is one beautiful bird! Ours never looks like that, but it always tastes great so I guess that's the important thing. It is true, the older we get the more we fall apart. I hope it slows down or I'll be incapacitated by the time I'm 70!

  4. Nice looking bird.

    Health issues and the weather...guaranteed topics of conversation. :)

  5. Nothing tastes as good as it used to. I know I am lucky concerning my health, but still I whine….

  6. Because of 'health' issues of my own, everyone kept feeding me chicken. I. AM. Sick. Of. Chicken.

    Just say'n.

  7. That is one beautiful bird! Yes, cataract surgery for me this Wednesday. I can remember older folks talking about health issues and that's what I do! LOL!

  8. That turkey looks so delicious it is making me feel hungry - and I have just eaten my breakfast!

  9. We are still eating left overs here.
    I was exhausted the last too days but I finally got a good night's sleep last night and I am feeling much better. I just got my fruit cake in the oven and I'm resting until granddaughter Irene arrives to make her wreath. They returned from Colorado yesterday.

  10. Great looking turkey! All of a sudden I'm one of those people, all I seem to have is health problems to talk about.

  11. The turkey looks about some dark meat for me!!

  12. The photo of the turkey in the oven makes me want some turkey.

  13. A beautiful turkey!

    I am sorry about your friends. I remember when my friends were having babies, and knee surgery. We've entered a new phase with them and are losing friends to illness, etc. I'd give anything to go back to the healthier one. ❤

  14. Oh that is one beautiful looking and probably tasting, Turkey! Yes, everybody seems to talk about their maladies when they get older. Not fun. Glad you enjoyed coffee with the neighbors though!

  15. Sorry both of you still struggle with the same problems. I suppose we all just keep hoping things will get better. Struggling with dementia has got to be the worst though.

  16. At a family reunion many years ago we chuckled at the elders all talking about meds, aches, pains, and tests they needed. It was all the conversation.
    We promised never to do that....yeah..
    that didn't work! LOL!
    Beautiful birds.

    I try to avoid talking abut health things as my mom could always fill the conversation with how much worse she had things... of course! The family joke was "IF you have two broken leg my mom would have 3".

  17. That turkey looks picture perfect.
    Everyone has some pains and ouchies. You guys seem great.

  18. Mmmmm turkey.... my husband doesn't care for turkey. It has been years since I have cooked one. We usually have a beef roast instead.

  19. A perfect cookbook photo of a great cooked bird. We didn't have turkey.


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