Sunday, November 13, 2022


I have several crochet projects going at one time, I cannot say that I make great progress on either of them since I flit from project to project.

Two of my project containers/baskets.  I prefer to keep like supplies together.  I crochet mostly while sitting on the couch watching TV.   Sometimes I crochet at my computer desk with my ear phones on....blocking out the whole world watching a movie.  

I finally got to see the movie Where the Crawdads Sing on Netflix...the movie was not as good as the book.   Much of the flavor of the book was lost in the screenplay.  I give the movie a 6. 

Far Guy struggled through the address list for the Christmas is updated and printed.   I ordered the paper for the Christmas letter and will pick it up from the Printing Company next week.  Far Guy says I should write the Christmas letter this I may give it a whirl. 

I finished packaging the Christmas ornaments and they are all set to go to the Post Office one morning next week.  Yeah me...I had packaging supplies spread all over my desk and the dining table for the better part of two days.  

I have been scanning old photos, it is a never ending project.   I have a new project to tackle from cousin Leann...old letters from our Uncle that was killed in WWII.   Once I get them transcribed I will share them here on the blog.  

I have enough projects to keep me out of trouble for a bit. 

Far Side


  1. I saw Where The Crawdads Sing and liked it, but I had never read the book so I had nothing to compare it to.

    I like to keep projects separate...and usually have more than one going at a time, too. lol!

    Your uncle's letters sound so interesting! Can hardly wait to hear them.

    Stay warm!!

  2. I've been flitting from project to project, too! I hear you!

  3. I think you are smart to keep like-minded projects together in a container like that. It saves time and energy going to get something - - which would deter me from working on the item.
    You keep me inspired to keep going on my sorting and projects especially because you have to fight through more energy draining issues when your Lyme's flares up. It is great to hear about productive daily lives. Some people our age are too sedentary. It's not good physically or mentally.
    Questions - - is it too cold to ride Big Blue now or does it have a heater and can you put a canvas cover/siding to hold heat? Are the tires good on snow? I know you wouldn't do mountain trails but wondered about to the mailbox or over to the neighbors. Will Far Guy's vintage car be driven anymore this winter or only if the roads are clear? Road grime would not be good on it probably.
    You don't have to answer those now - - - but some day if you need a subject for the blog.

  4. My living room is the dumping ground for my projects. There is the basket with Eli's sweater, the carry-bag for the projects I take to Stitch and chat, a mitten that I started and left on the side table and currently the corner of the couch is stacked with the yarn for Christmas projects. Oh, and the craft room has the items that need finishing. Someday I'll get everything done...maybe.

    The letters from your Uncle from WWII sound so interesting. I look forward to your posts.

  5. You sound very busy, but also sound like you have a plan! I'm treading water over here, lol.

  6. I didn't watch the show, just because of that reason. The book was excellent...I don't think they could do it justice.

  7. We all need projects to keep us sane.

  8. I read the book but haven't seen the movie because I dropped Netflix several months ag. You are one busy person!

  9. My mother was a great one for having several projects on the go at the same time - she said that way she could choose to do what she felt like at the time. Good luck with all of yours :)

  10. The letters from your uncle during the war should prove to be very interesting.

  11. Wow! You have a lot going on! I'm tired already. :) I started painting Christmas cards, but then decided to mail those off to the now I have nothing again. It takes time to paint a card so I need to get hopping. I don't feel very motivated though. I think I'll go take a nap first.

  12. We finally watched Where the Crawdads Sing last weekend, and I agree with you. I’m glad we watched it but it just had a different feeling than the book. I admire all your crochet projects in progress. I’m still trying to master sock heels before the year is over!

  13. My sewing machine is out. The ironing board is set up in the back bedroom. Stuff is scattered on the bed there. I took on a project for an elderly friend who is a much better seamstress than I am but she is now 95 and slowly losing her eyesight. I am not enjoying the project but I am trying to consider it a labor of love.
    I need it all cleared away before Thanksgiving. My son is coming to stay for a few days and that is his room.
    I have decided I don't need many projects. Just living is a big enough project in itself.

  14. You are the Queen of Projects and I must say that I enjoy hearing about them all!

  15. I have my Dad's wartime letters. They are heart breaking at times.

  16. When we moved into the apartment I vowed that I would keep the area next to my chair neat and orderly with NO PILES. Ha! I have three projects on the go at the current time in various stages of finishing. The Christmas cards are in a box on the floor and the plastic sleeping mat for the the homeless is there too. So much for good intentions. :-)

  17. Great projects, you are so organized.
    I'm getting geared up for indoor projects too as soon as gun deer season starts here.

    Those letters were amazing.

  18. Thank goodness....I wouldn't want you getting in trouble! I've got most of my Christmas shopping/making done except for a few items that I can make after Thanksgiving. I need to start wrapping and that will be spread out all over too. Can't wait to see what you're crocheting.

  19. I've often wondered if my dad wrote letters home while he was in the army during WW2. If so, no one kept them. But I do have a whole shoebox full of the letters he wrote back to my mom while he was working in Alaska before they got married. He saved her letters too, so both sets are in the box.

  20. You must run from one thing to another to get all you do get done.


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