Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tomatoes and Flowers

Tomatoes are not ripe yet, we are not so patiently waiting. 

Here is a photo after the pruning...they were taller than my garage.   There are two different plants there...Yellow Pear and La Roma.   Both plants are loaded with green tomatoes. 

The flowers out front are not doing much this year.  Not sure why...perhaps I should have cut them back right after I planted them....usually I pinch all the flowers off. 

They are what they are....the squirrels and chippys are of no help.

It was quite warm yesterday, we were in a heat advisory.  The high was 91 F or 33 C eh!  with high humidity.  

I water the plants every evening when it is this warm.

Far Side


  1. Can't believe how tall your tomato plants are! Wow!! Flowers around here aren't blooming as well either. Something about this Summer I guess. They still are very pretty. High heat and humidity predicted for today. UGH!!!

  2. Can you cut back tomatoes to keep them in line? My tomatoes plants are nice and large but sending out long tendrils.

    We are getting some nice tomatoes though.

  3. I love the wooden flower. It's so pretty! :-)

  4. No fresh tomatoes here yet either. I checked the little farm produce stand across town. Tomatoes, green beans, and onions are usually what they open with in July soon followed by sweet corn, and then in late August it's watermelon. The good news - they were mowing around the stand so maybe they plan to open soon. We had such a cold spring maybe everything is behind.

  5. Was supposed to be 98 here yesterday. Not sure if it made it that high or not as I didn't check but they had heat warnings the past two days. Today is cooler--only supposed to get up to 81--because we had a thunderstorm last night. Much nicer!

    Love your tomato tree--LOL!

  6. Having never pruned a tomato plant, I have to ask if there is a benefit to pruning? I suppose it is to focus energy towards the fruit but we've always had more fruit than we could eat or process... eventually by the first killing frost anyway, that we never worried about such things. Perhaps with one or two plants, it becomes more essential.

  7. Your tomatoes look great, Connie! They would have reached the sky if you hadn't pruned them!! :-) Do you have any problem with those tomato worms? My goodness, I'd spend half an hour every morning picking the darn things off my tomato plants & putting them back by the bird feeder for the birds to enjoy. I got tired of doing that so I don't grow tomatoes anymore. :-( ~Andrea xoxo

  8. What are you feeding those tomato plants!? The certainly look tall and hardy.

  9. No tomatoes are ripening here either. So frustrating. Your's are SO tall! I've never seen them so high.

  10. We've lovely little cherry tomatoes in a hanging basket. They are doing well.
    Your spot in heaven is lovely!

  11. My flowers are actually thriving this year - the first time in nearly four years. It been 90- 92° for days which is very rare for Laramie. Thankfully, no humidity to make being outside more miserable.

  12. I cut them off because they would have eventually fallen over and broke off...I cut them off a high as I could reach on that ladder without going to the top step!! I have only feed them tomato Miracle Grow once:)

  13. The heat does just make things tough. I did cut my mums back a few weeks late. My tomatoes are slow turning for us too. I will go out tomorrow and water things.

  14. I am also not so patiently waiting for ripe tomatoes. At this rate my Basil will be done when the tomatoes finally get going.

  15. Lots of green fruit on my tomatoes but it will be awhile before they'll be ready to eat. The heat is on here too, though we had a bit of reprieve and rain last night.

  16. I thought of your tomatoes when we returned home and I saw that our tomatoes had grown what seemed like a foot over the three days we were gone! Lots of green tomatoes now, but nothing near ripe yet.

  17. Hope you get a ton of ripe tomatoes soon! Your flowers are pretty, even if not as abundant as you would like this year. We were supposed to get that heat but thunderstorms knocked the temp way down and that's OK with me.

  18. Thanks for the explanation. Planting ours at ground level, we just let them fall over if they so choose. But recently on a blog, I saw someone drive a metal fence post down the middle of a tomato cage which prevents them from falling over. That is going to be my strategy next year when we plant tomatoes.

  19. We've had a lot of days with that kind of temperature... With no air conditioning to help deal with it. Ugh!


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