Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Grain Bin Flowers

 The flowers by the grain bin are in full bloom.

Clematis paniculata or Sweet Virgin's Bower.

This is a very old plant...most likely about 23 years old.   It likes this spot!  It started with one small cutting from Faye.   It climbs up a section of wire. 

It will also grow as a ground cover.   Seeds have spread over the years and took over this spot near the grain bin. 

We had a couple of quiet days, Far Guy woodcarving on Christmas Ornaments...I carved one yesterday thumb is just not ready and it begins to hurt.   So I crochet instead.  

Far Side


  1. i have some of that growing wild in my backyard.

  2. It's a pretty flower. I think we have it around here, too, but we mostly call them "pretty white flowers" because it's hard to identify them.

  3. What a pretty plant. You have to love something so hardy that it grew from one tiny cutting to something so lush.

  4. How beautiful, Connie!! And reseeds itself, to boot! What's not to love?! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

  5. I wonder, does it smell as pretty as it looks? I bet it is a good bee magnet.

  6. Your talents are far and many. Love the mix of metal and floral

  7. It’s very happy in its location and shows it with its glorious blooms.

  8. That is definitely a happy plant. So pretty and delicate. I'm sorry your thumb is still painful but crocheting is a great pass-time!

  9. Wow, this plant is impressive! I've never kept a clematis alive for more than a few years.

  10. Looks so pretty. Love that it is also ground cover. :)

  11. I love a flower that takes care of itself! Quiet days are good.

  12. It is a great clematis. Being a shared plant makes it special. My one clematis is not budded yet.

  13. That is one beautiful plant! Sorry to hear about your's taking it's time getting better. I hate to think about Christmas.....just not ready for that.


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